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Must enable Adobe Flash manually since the last Win 10 upgrade


New Member
Every time I start Elvenar since the last Windows 10 upgrade I have to manually enable Adobe Flash. I am only presented with an 'enable once' option. I believe I have tried all the methods of enabling Flash permanently but none of them seem to make any difference. With Flash built into Microsoft Edge, I can't even download a newer version from the Adobe site.

Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0
Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.17763



Switch to the even glitchier HTML5. Flash is being phased out.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I have not used a Microsoft browser in years. The newest version of Chrome is the same way, but the newest version of Firefox still does it normally. I switched over to the HTML5 version of the game, though, and it is working fine for me so far.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I thought I already switched to HTML5. Does anyone have instructions on how to do that? Thanks!

It is in the options settings. Not only do you have to check the HTML5 box, but you also have to remember to hit Save, so that the change is remembered and the game reloads and switches over.