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    Your Elvenar Team

My attempt at a signature


hello Donnyd
i really liked that pic with the planets orbiting around
i wonder if you would let me use it
you see, i am sputnik and i orbit
Sure, I don't mind if you use that one. I'm sure Sir Squirrel could make a really cool sig out of that for you. He does really good work. He helped me with the last sig I had on here. I provided the basic pic and he just took it to the next level by adding different layers of coolness to it. Plus he has much better fonts than I do. He IS the master sig maker


Lennon sig 2.jpg


Wow I really like these @Donnyd I like your first choice ^ above, but they all make me smile.
'Imagine' this or any of the lyrics under it......
"Imagine all the people.Living life in peace"
Thank you shimmerfly. I have always been a Beatles fan and all the John and Paul solo stuff too.
Still have a pretty large collection on vinyl of their stuff and first issues of the Beatles CD's