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    Your Elvenar Team

Mykans Guide - Wonders


One of my fellowship members feels that his Thrones of the High Men is not calculating ranking for all his wonders correctly. Has anyone else heard of any issue with this wonder?

Could someone explain how exactly the wonder calculates the ranking points? I just can't math today :/


Yes they should be there when they get to that wonder. I know for sure at least with the first research that wonder runes for later wonders do stay there, this can occur winning a prize on later game wonders like dwarves prior to getting to that era.
Awesome! Thanks. :)


when you hover over the Ancient Wonder Button in the bottom menue it says "Rune Shards overview" there you can see all collected runes not matter if you have unlocked the wonder yet.


Active Member
One of my fellowship members feels that his Thrones of the High Men is not calculating ranking for all his wonders correctly. Has anyone else heard of any issue with this wonder?

Could someone explain how exactly the wonder calculates the ranking points? I just can't math today :/

count the level of all your wonders (those in upgrade dont count the new lvl yet but the current one). the number you have is what you multiply by your thrones bonus.

for example say you haave a lvl 5 santuary, a lvl 2 needles and a lvl 3 throne. that means you have 10 wonder lvls. at lvl 3 you get 31 points per lvl, so you would get a total of 310 point bonus. now the wonder itself also gives you 425 points at lvl 3, so the throne in total gives you 735 points in total.

Does this make it clearer?


count the level of all your wonders (those in upgrade dont count the new lvl yet but the current one). the number you have is what you multiply by your thrones bonus.

for example say you haave a lvl 5 santuary, a lvl 2 needles and a lvl 3 throne. that means you have 10 wonder lvls. at lvl 3 you get 31 points per lvl, so you would get a total of 310 point bonus. now the wonder itself also gives you 425 points at lvl 3, so the throne in total gives you 735 points in total.

Does this make it clearer?

Thanks Heymrdiedier! It does for the initial calculation. When you upgrade the Thrones you will get the bonus for each wonder's upgrade difference + the Thrones additional ranking points which = the KP that it took to upgrade it correct? So for mine I would get an additional 411 points when I upgrade... right?



Active Member
Thanks Heymrdiedier! It does for the initial calculation. When you upgrade the Thrones you will get the bonus for each wonder's upgrade difference + the Thrones additional ranking points which = the KP that it took to upgrade it correct? So for mine I would get an additional 411 points when I upgrade... right?

Correct, you get 101 point from thr thones lvl, and 310 kp from the invested kp.

101 (= 13*5 + 36 : extra lvl of throne itself)


How help rewards are calculated? Is there any pattern? Or is there a list of known rewards (for each level of AW)?


Oh Wise One


I haven't tested AWs recently, but when the AW leveled the rewards were:
  • A total of 10% of the contributed KPs are distributed 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 rounded DOWN to the nearest 5 KPs
  • A total equal the level of Rune Shards, distributed round robin amongst the top 5 contributors other than the owner
I'm not paying much attention until we get a history tab for the AW, because you can't verify anything at the moment nor can you avoid awards that top out your hourly KPs collection.


Oh Wise One
Enar's Embassy
This wonder occupies a 4x7 space. It provides a broken shard each week and produces mana every time you scout.
You also receive a unique portrait

Flying Academy
This wonder occupies a 4x4 space. It produces units of your barracks mage units every 3 hours and increases the training speed of your mercenary camp. The free troops will help you save supplies and use your barracks production for other unit types. The production of troops is based on your squad size.
You also receive a unique portrait

Maze of the Dark Matter
This wonder occupies a 5x6 space. It generate mana every 3 hours and reduces the mana decay rate. Useful as an additional source to generate mana and slow down its daily decay. Mana production is based on your completed provinces.
You also receive a unique portrait

Dragon Abbey
This wonder occupies a 4x5 space. It provides a boost to Mage units and provides mana every time a spell is used. The enhanced ability of Mage units will help you in provinces and tournaments. With smaller squad sizes then your enemy in certain tournaments this wonder gives you superior quality troops when faced with superior quantity. Mana per spell is based on provinces completed.
You also receive a unique portrait


If you sell the AW, does the backdrop go away also? Anyone know this?

Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
I have been crowding my citizens into a smaller piece of land to make room for all these event buildings. If the events continue like this, offering so many buildings, we will have to demolish a previous event building in order to build the current one.

Wish we had a store building (like in FOE). Then we could take a building in our city and store it in our inventory in case we want to build it again.


Mathematician par Excellence
. If the events continue like this, offering so many buildings, we will have to demolish a previous event building in order to build the current one.
That's the idea. You should make enough progress between events that the old stuff is outdated and needs to be replaced anyways.
Wish we had a store building (like in FOE). Then we could take a building in our city and store it in our inventory in case we want to build it again.
There's no need for this. Like I said, old buildings are outdated and give bad culture/pop compared to new buildings, so there'd be no reason to bring them out of storage once you put them in.

Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
That's the idea. You should make enough progress between events that the old stuff is outdated and needs to be replaced anyways.

There's no need for this. Like I said, old buildings are outdated and give bad culture/pop compared to new buildings, so there'd be no reason to bring them out of storage once you put them in.
I was just about to delete that message because I posted it in the wrong thread. Now I'm glad I didn't. Thank you for your advice. I wonder also if not having a lot of buildings in your inventory would make the game run smoother.


Oh Wise One
Note: Comparisons are using level 1 wonder data which allows us to see how a non-leveled wonder performs. Comparisons regularly look at efficiency per square and production rates are typically 24hrs as this is the information easily available on wiki.

Supply wonder efficiency comparisons

Numbers are for Elves, Humans vary slightly in chapters 2 and 3 only.

This compares the 3 supply production wonders across each chapter and the highest level workshop available for that chapter. This is based on free to play workshops and supporting culture and residences. You will notice on a per square basis a workshop is a little blip in the graph (123/square in halfling chapter).

All numbers are based on 24 hours (except ToS which is by scout). You need to make your own adjustments for:
  • Scout times
  • Number of collection of prosperity towers (Graph uses 8 in 24 hours for normalisation of data)
  • Culture bonus
  • Frequency of spells
  • More efficient diamond or event buildings to reduce residence and culture support costs.
  • Frequency of production on workshops
  • Preference of secondary functions which are completely ignored for above.
In brief ToS is 25% higher than Prosperity towers if you scouted once per day and 2.5 times higher than Endless Excavation. All wonders efficiency per square gets better compared to a normal workshop every chapter as can be seen in the graph above.

Gold wonder efficiency

The graph is for Elves but it is very similar for humans. For gold efficiency the Gold Abyss is excellent right from the start

Population wonder efficiency

Elves are left side of the graph and humans are right side. Numbers at the bottom relate to your chapter. Estimates for working population were taken for each chapter and a conservative working population was used.

While the Gold Abyss is available from level 2 it does not become efficient for population until guest race chapters. The Mt Halls at level 1 due to its larger size never keeps pace with a normal house for efficiency.

As everybody has a different city design and thus different working population a comparison of how much working population would be needed in each chapter to maintain a break even (or close as possible) point for the wonder. The greater your working population is above the relevant chapter below the greater the efficency of your wonder.

Elves are left side of the graph and humans are right side. Numbers at the bottom relate to your chapter.

The Gold Abyss is clearly the superior wonder for population efficiency. If you do choose to build both wonders you will need to consider if you level the Gold Abyss higher than the Mt Halls despite a higher cost of KP for each additional level.
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Oh Wise One
Goods wonder efficiency
In this case the Crystal Lighthouse and Bell Spire are the only wonders that provide goods. As you can receive a random good of one of you 3 boosted factories and everyone has a different boost combination all factories efficiency per square and per chapter was determined. The graph below is for Elves but there is minimal change for a human and mostly this is in chapters where the wonder is not available

As can be seen from the graph obtaining one of your 3 rewards is as efficient as one of your factories (ignoring boosts) or just below, if you obtain 2 or all 3 reward chests your efficiency is well above that of a single factory without allowing for Magical Manufacturing spells or boost %. The randomness of the goods may not make it feasiable to replace a factory with this wonder but it does provide an efficient addition to your goods production.

If we factor in that people would be comparing to a boosted factory and assume a minimum of 250% boost in chapter 5 and an additional 50% boost each chapter after that the comparison is below..

I have used marble, crystal and elixir for this comparison for simplicity. They provide a good representation for their good type. The big jump in factory efficiency comes from the second guest race technology.

Orc wonder efficiency

The production of orcs by the heroes forge is clearly inferior to an armory on a per square basis and this gap appears to increase with every chapter. The number of provinces required to get to a break even point is excessive and possibly impossible with 615 provinces needed in the Halfling chapter. The alternative is to level the wonder which increases every chapter with a level 8 wonder in Halflings if using the minimum number of provinces to maintain efficiency.

The story of this wonder doesn't end there. The orcs the wonder provides are free, this nets a substantial savings in supplies and thus less pressure on your workshops. The value of opportunity cost is something for each individual player. We can however look at how many supplies the forge saves us, generally it is 32 supplies per orc. Using the per square efficiency of a workshop for each chapter we can see in terms of workshop space saved the heroes forge allows.

Another way of putting it is that we would need about 84-88 additional squares of workshops to provide the same amount of orcs that the Heroes Forge provides. This is a significant saving of space compared to the 25 squares occupied by the wonder.
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Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
Excellent work you did Mykan to help us decide which wonders are more efficient to build. Thank you. I always like to read your guides and have suggested my fellowship check them out also. The rulers of Elvenar have a habit of changing the game mechanics though. I've had to change twice already the worksheet I posted to the forum explaining the size of Buildings for Elves & Humans.