Note: Comparisons are using level 1 wonder data which allows us to see how a non-leveled wonder performs. Comparisons regularly look at efficiency per square and production rates are typically 24hrs as this is the information easily available on wiki.
Supply wonder efficiency comparisons
Numbers are for Elves, Humans vary slightly in chapters 2 and 3 only.
This compares the 3 supply production wonders across each chapter and the highest level workshop available for that chapter. This is based on free to play workshops and supporting culture and residences. You will notice on a per square basis a workshop is a little blip in the graph (123/square in halfling chapter).
All numbers are based on 24 hours (except ToS which is by scout). You need to make your own adjustments for:
- Scout times
- Number of collection of prosperity towers (Graph uses 8 in 24 hours for normalisation of data)
- Culture bonus
- Frequency of spells
- More efficient diamond or event buildings to reduce residence and culture support costs.
- Frequency of production on workshops
- Preference of secondary functions which are completely ignored for above.
In brief ToS is 25% higher than Prosperity towers if you scouted once per day and 2.5 times higher than Endless Excavation. All wonders efficiency per square gets better compared to a normal workshop every chapter as can be seen in the graph above.
Gold wonder efficiency
The graph is for Elves but it is very similar for humans. For gold efficiency the Gold Abyss is excellent right from the start
Population wonder efficiency
Elves are left side of the graph and humans are right side. Numbers at the bottom relate to your chapter. Estimates for working population were taken for each chapter and a conservative working population was used.
While the Gold Abyss is available from level 2 it does not become efficient for population until guest race chapters. The Mt Halls at level 1 due to its larger size never keeps pace with a normal house for efficiency.
As everybody has a different city design and thus different working population a comparison of how much working population would be needed in each chapter to maintain a break even (or close as possible) point for the wonder. The greater your working population is above the relevant chapter below the greater the efficency of your wonder.
Elves are left side of the graph and humans are right side. Numbers at the bottom relate to your chapter.
The Gold Abyss is clearly the superior wonder for population efficiency. If you do choose to build both wonders you will need to consider if you level the Gold Abyss higher than the Mt Halls despite a higher cost of KP for each additional level.