Just finished, I'm with
@Darielle , worst event played so far. I believe just a couple
of tweaks would make this event a great event structure......
1) each fog tile should be 1 of 3 things , a cat .. a reward .. a blank tile.
when a reward tile is clicked you then get a choice of 3 chests, so you can
have some control over what you want.... basically which strategy ur after....
( going for evolves , going for daily prizes, or going for more event currency )
2) if #1 is used, use a system where when you earn a cat, yes you get 1 toword
GP, but its also add'd into a pool for apply'n when you get a reward chest, so you
can apply 1-5 pts to increase the value of the 3 reward chest options u would get.
( so it mimicks the chests varry'n event currency to determine good/better/best chests.
3) Cap # of tries before daily prize is awarded.
4) if you're gonna sell diamons pkgs, and the event currency also has pkgs like 195/420
then perhaps just sell 100, 195, & 420 increments.
5) for future evolve events, consider switching to a universal evolve artifact. That can be
used for ANY evolve .... past/present/future.
6) perhaps a different system for GP progress, like having to clear every tile in the most
efficient manner, thus # tiles would be the metric ( would need different light pkgs tho ).
Or even revealing ( light'n up the fog ) in every tile, still metric would be # tiles.
All in all I did enjoy a new challange, but with NO control really over prizes and a clumbsy
way to record GP progress, I found this event very lacking on so many levels.