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    Your Elvenar Team



I guess I'm in a bit of a desert, but I found a FS that visits me on a regular basis, so I'm happy. I do visit all the folks around me every time I have a chance (which is approximately daily). I was also lucky to find a couple of folk (wave to Arfie) who happily take my tiny trades.


I had to count last night when I made my world visits. It was a really slow night for me regarding number of return visits, but I had 11. So guess that I am in a really good part of the map. :)

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
To add to what I said earlier about having 10-15 neighbors who visit at least a few times per week, I also have neighbors who post trades, but who never visit me. Some of them are ones I have discovered, but who have not discovered me and cannot visit, while others are big enough to potentially visit me, but never have because I cannot visit them yet, so they do not notice me. This makes my count of active neighbors at close to double the number who actually visit me.

One thing I have made sure to do, which also gives me a weird shape for scouted territory, is whenever someone new visits me, I look to see where they are, and do my best to scout in their direction, so that I can eventually visit back.