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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello New Neighbors


Greetings elven and human neighbors alike. Since the inactives were removed there are a lot of new neighbors. I just wanted to say hi and welcome. I hope you enjoy the game as much as I have so far. I do not log into the forums much, maybe 1-2 times a month. You can reach me best in game. My caution is I talk a lot and have no filter. Do not underestimate either statement. I talk ALOT and have NO filter lol. You all have probably received neighborly help by now from me and no worries m8 you are most welcome. If when you unlock me (and please do not rush to do so) and you feel you would like to return the neighborly help I do have simple, small, teensy weensy preferences lol. I prefer polishing some kind of cultural buildings-this makes my workers and rent payers give me more so yay. As a second my main hall because it gives me mula mula mula. Since my goods make me poor most of the time lol this is not a bad second option. I'll be honest the helping my builders doesn't really do much because any of my longer buildings i set to build overnight-so while it will cut down my build time it isn't something i readily need most days. Your preferences i would love to know and until then I normally go for the main hall because who doesn't love free money. In case you are unclear because i know i was when i first started none of this pulls from your own aka if you donate to my main hall you will not actually see any money come out of your gold. if you donate to my culture you will not see your culture come down, etc. If you would like to respond to this message just hmu in game because this is my 1-2 times a month on the forums lol. The likelihood i see a response to this post will be maybe in 2 weeks. but i am friendly and game often so in-game me if you're bored or just want to know more about me (scary choice is #2 because my mind is not fun to play in-curiosity killed the cat and might even rub off on you lol). you can ask me for advice but far from an expert am I so i would stick with the wiki or the moderators for solid advice, but hey ask if you want and i might be able to pull a rabbit out my hat. so again welcome and game your face off!!


So glad to read your message. Those are good preferences you have for the neighborly help, and in the correct order that I would prefer also. Then again the motivating builder would be nice, they tend to cut down on some of my 5+ hour upgrades. But I am pleased just getting any neighborly help from the two active neighbors that are still playing near me.


Hello and welcome to the forums. We are glad to have you on Elvenar. Please feel free to look around and ask any questions and hopefully you will check out the forums more to checkout some of our competitions.


Welcome and like Coolnite7 stated please feel free to look around, ask any questions, check out the forums, and some of our competitions.