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    Your Elvenar Team

New Smilies


Well-Known Member
The announcement you link to says there is a list of new smilies. Where is the list? There's no link in the announcement thread.


Buddy Fan Club member
In the comment/reply area select the 2nd set of 3 dots, at the top, after the image insert icon. Select the smiley face to see the new smilies.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Personally, the :( is more clear than the :frown:human: or the :frown_elf:, in my opinion. And I would have preferred the time spent making more smilies have been spent making improvements in the game. But this from a person who is only now beginning to use emojis. And, as an aside, one does wonder how our ancestors ever expressed emotion in their letters and communications without emojis. Maybe they did it with powerful and clear words...just more of them?



While smilies are being added in the forum, would it be possible to include all of the Resource (trader) icons? The wiki has them all, but the forum only has half of them.

The benefit would be enhanced clarity for the folks who are discussing the non-combat aspects of the game.


Zoom using 2 fingered pinch, Ctrl +, or Ctrl Scroll Wheel. The written identifiers tend to get abbreviated: T1, SB, GM, etc which isn't much help when you"re first getting involved.


Well-Known Member
The new ones are harder to read than the generic ones. Not only are they smaller overall, there's so much more in the image that there's less room for the expression.
I'm not fond of the "all humans have light skin" implication, either.