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    Your Elvenar Team

New to game


Well-Known Member
Hello @Mr. ELF51 Welcome to the good old original forum.

If you click on Forums on the upper left of the screen and scroll way down, you will find Game Worlds.

Just choose the world you are playing in and check "Fellowships seaking members"


A lot of fellowships are hesitant to take on a brand new player, as you need to be in at least chapter 2 to participate in fellowship adventures, at least chapter 4 to do tournaments, and at least chapter 5 to do the spire of eternity, each of which is how players mostly contribute to a fellowship.

If you can't find a fellowship, you should also be able to create your own.

If you are still in need of a fellowship after you unlock the spire in chapter 5, you can send me a message in-game and I can put in a good word for you with my own fellowship.

Mr. ELF51

New Member
I was playing before with 2 cities but when my wife passed away last month I stopped playing games and deleted the cities. I figured I would give it a go again.


Chef - Loquacious One
How long were you two together? My wife and I have been together 45 years and I can only imagine how much it would hurt if she passed away. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
