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    Your Elvenar Team

New YouTube Videos


Platinum Leaf -FB

Our Facebook group is growing from strength to strength!
We just opened a YouTube Channel, which you are all welcome to use and explore. All our Library of Videos will be uploaded there within the next few days.

NB: If you would like to share one of yours there, please contact us; this is a great place to share the Good Info with other players!

Here is the Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLjTaHLj4OmSz-a4dYlijw

At present we have the videos in 4 Playlists:

1. Elvenar Battle Strategy - Various Tips for both Humans & Elves

General Fighting Information.
Eventually this will become a comprehensive guide to Fighting for all players - Beginners and Advanced alike

2. Elvenar Battle Strategy - Typical Human Tournament Fights for each kind of Province
3. Elvenar Battle Strategy - Typical Elven Tournament Fights for each kind of Province

Nine videos for each Race of a typical fight in each type of Province.
There is a text file, updated daily and weekly, with more detailed suggestions of ideal combinations for Auto-Fight and Manual Fight for the nine provinces here:

4. Elvenar - Game Overview

All the non-fighting information: A walk-through of all the buttons and boxes, etc.

Have a great day!