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Newbie Help in Chapter 2


New Member
At the beginning of Chapter 2 you can research advanced workshops and all of the advanced goods. I am boosted in steel so I did the research for advance steel production. Do I need to research advanced production in goods I am not boosted in? This brings me to another question - - do I have to complete ALL of the research topics or only the ones that benefit me? If I don't will this limit me in the future?

Thanks in advance ~ Mookz


Well-Known Member
You have to research anything that has lines to the right connecting them to dependent technologies. You can skip techs that don’t have dependents completely. I think there are some squad size upgrades and expansions like this. You can sometimes complete techs with dependents out of order, but eventually you will reach a point where you have to go back and research the ones you skipped. If you click on one and follow the green lines it will show you where the dependencies are.


Buddy Fan Club member
You do need to research factory upgrades for all of the goods, not just your boosted goods. In higher chapters, another set of goods is introduced and they are made in the same buildings called Sentient goods. The buildings don't show that yet in the production window, but where you now see the 1 and 2 day productions it will change to 3 and 9 hour productions for the new goods at level 24. Your boosted Sentient Goods are your current boost +1. So, if you're boosted in steel now, you'll be boosted in tree gum for Sentient goods and those will be made in a lvl 24+ planks factory.
Don't worry about building that factory now. It takes up too much space and it's Chapter 12 before they are introduced, so quite awhile before you need them. Most players wait until they're near the end of Chapter 11 and start building their Sentient goods boosted factory then. You'll still need your steel factories, too, though there will be reduced demand for them. Many players find they can replace 1 of their current boosted factories with the new Sentient boosted factory. You get back the space, population and culture when you take it out of your city and can use those resources towards the new factory.