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    Your Elvenar Team

News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!

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Buddy Fan Club member
They had mini events in this game quite some time ago.... and they had a lightning event... I liked both a great deal... They never repeated them though which is a sad sad shame.


Buddy Fan Club member
why not take it to its logical conclusion ???

You want everything, now, for free, and everything should be super easy. :eek:

No, I don't want everything for free or for it to be 'super' easy. I spend money buying diamonds for this game. I spend time playing this game. I want things to be achievable for those of us who work and have a life (mine is mostly work and housework and more housework). As for wanting it now, YES, I do. I hardly think that I am on an island with all these ORIGINAL THOUGHTS. I am sure other people have thought them. If the developers are playing the game they are creating, I'm sure it has occurred to them.


Platinum Leaf -FB
'Lucky Little Fin' questline event will run from June 21 - July 13th.
Read all about it here: https://tinyurl.com/2685k5sv
This is a .doc file that can be opened on an ordinary PC without any special programs, and you are welcome to share with friends and fellowship.
Note that the Live Version is not always identical to the one in these notes, which we recorded in actual gameplay on the Beta Server.

Announcement just made on the German Forum:


Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Here are the final League numbers from Beta. As can be seen, my chapter 17 city finished at 313, same as Silver, and my other small test city finished at 323. That city moved from chapter 5 to 6 during the event. This one was definitely easier to get to 260 than a lot of previous events. And while I did get luckier than normal with winning extra currency, looking at the amount I won in my big Beta city, the same amount in previous events would have had me finish around 280-290 and not 313.

Screenshot (101).png

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Any artifacts in it will match the evolving building in the event that just ended there, which is the one about to start on Live worlds. It will likely be a Tome that has a choice of an artifact for the new evolving building, an artifact for the evolving building (Triumph of the Tides) from last year's version of this event, and 4 RRs, like in the Tome in the previous FA.


Buddy Fan Club member
well I need those as well. I just wish they did some mini events after the Major and before the FA... a chance to win teleports or something else that is uncraftable The spire hates me ... I don't get many teleports. I absolutely do not need the number of portal profits I get.


Well-Known Member
'Lucky Little Fin' questline event will run from June 21 - July 13th.
Read all about it here: https://tinyurl.com/2685k5sv
This is a .doc file that can be opened on an ordinary PC without any special programs, and you are welcome to share with friends and fellowship.
Note that the Live Version is not always identical to the one in these notes, which we recorded in actual gameplay on the Beta Server.

Announcement just made on the German Forum:

I saw that but saw an official announcement of Beta. Did someone find that banner in the Devs info and post it> Or is it for real? Is there a countdown clock? They have run an extra FA in beta before.


Platinum Leaf -FB
Fellowship Adventures started in Beta server.
It is unchanged except for the prizes - see below.


Full details are here: https://tinyurl.com/tr9tsdbr
This file can be opened on a normal PC without any special program. You are welcome to share the link with friends.

Note: The architecture of the FA that comes to Live World is usually identical to the one we recorded in Beta - but the designers reserve the right to make changes.


The prizes are identical to the usual type G, with these exceptions:
  • Stage 2 prizes includes a Glory of Nimble Artifact
  • Stage 3 prizes includes Tome of Forbidden Wisdom, a Resource Shared Kit of the six buildings from Forbidden Ruins Set, of which you can pick one.


Well-Known Member
So, just confirming: The next FA is immediately after Lucky Little Fin, yes? There was some speculation earlier about maybe getting a mini-event after Lucky Little Fin but I don't see anything substantial.
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