Thinker of Ideas
That SHOULD be good news. Instead iv even more worried :/
- We shuffled the badge requirements of all waypoints.
- We increased the total number of badges required increased by 12%.
This leaves two main questions in my mind.
1. Will this increase and reshuffel effect or get rid of a potential 'single easy path'? For smaller fs's, a single easy path may be the only way they can complete the event. If its increased across the board without consideration, smaller fs's could find themselves unable to finish. Thats not only bad in itself, but it could decrease players willingness to participate at all. Not good.
2. Your rebalancing the badges and the waypoints... what abut the points themselves? The last few fa's (and probably more) it has become increasingly apparent that many waypoints, especially on the third map, are not worth completing at all. The amount of badges was to high and the point reward for it to low. It was not worth it. It would be more point efficient to skip many waypoints and go to the pit. - And in my opinion, the waypoints on the actual maps should not be of lesser value then the pit. - So we already had this problem. Now were being told that the badge number requirments will be even higher? If there is not a point adjustment with this, then there is going to be a lot more ppl skipping waypoints all together. Fa's already suffer from a lack of motivation and ppl/fs's actually wanting to do them. Making that worse is jsut inching the event to its own demise. ... so im really wondering if there was a point adjustment.