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    Your Elvenar Team

No tents for tournament


New Member
Last week I joined a fellowship. This week, when the tournament started, I went into the world and noticed the Tent icon was not present. That happened last night. This morning, after starting up my computer and logging into Elvenar, I noticed the same thing. I have taken one province for this tournament but that didn't seem to make any difference. I have experience this issue using both Firefox and Brave browsers on my laptop. Thanks for any suggestions/help.


Set Designer
Were you able to participate in tournaments beforehand with this city? Is the province you took the only province of the tournament type (elixir this week) that you have? Do others in your fellowship have a message listing you among the names that cannot participate in this tournament (reasons will be given in the message)?


Shroom Aficionado
FYI FantasyWriter ~ I just became a member of Elvenar and after joining a fellowship I found out I have to wait until Research Level 4 to participate in a Tournament! And I have to wait until Level 5 to participate in the Spire. I have an issue where the Tournament pop-up told me I could play and the World Map with the tent keep showing up and going away. So that may be what is happening to you. :confused:


Active Member
Last week I joined a fellowship. This week, when the tournament started, I went into the world and noticed the Tent icon was not present. That happened last night. This morning, after starting up my computer and logging into Elvenar, I noticed the same thing. I have taken one province for this tournament but that didn't seem to make any difference. I have experience this issue using both Firefox and Brave browsers on my laptop. Thanks for any suggestions/help.
Quick question, since your fairly new to playing. Did you by chance unlock neighbor hood help, fellowship, and fellowship adventure through the research tree? If yes, then you are on the new tech tree and won’t have tournaments available until midway through chapter 4.


Set Designer
Here is what tournament participants will see when hovering over the "i" next to Contributors.