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No treasure chests today


I did nh yesterday and I received 3 treasure chests while doing all my nh for my fellowship. That is normal behavior.

24 hours later and I was able to do nh again and this time no chests for half my fellowship. This was very odd. Never happened before. I waited another 4 hours so it was 28 hours later and I did the other half of my fellowship and still no chests.


Thank you for your report. Is there anyone else having similar issues?


I rarely get chests while doing NH. And yes i look...but when there is 3 buildings and a street, it should't be that difficult to find. 9 times out of 10 i won't bother looking as I never find one.


At the moment we're not able to reproduce this and we don't get a lot of reports about this issue either. Should it reoccur, please let us know and include as many reproduction steps as possible :)