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Answered Not possible to apply Ensorcelled Endowment to Spring Pavilions Culture Building


Tetris Master
Game version: v1.180.3-(bb09836) - html5 (2023-08-09 16:45)
Game world: US6 Sinya Arda
Account name: iamthouth
Humans or Elves: Humans

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Current situation:
I have Ensorcelled Endowment in stock, and it is possible to apply it to other buildings, but option does not come up for Spring Pavilions (Ch20).

Expected situation:
Should be possible to apply Ensorcelled Endowment to Culture Building

Reproduction Steps
Per images, not possible to apply EEs.



Tetris Master
There must be a size limit. As I now notice I get the same result for Crystal Unicorn (Ch20), Black Unicorns (Ch20), Arbor of Spring Flowers (Ch20) and Smallest Room (Ch21) and more. I can apply it to size 4 or above buildings, but size 3 (like Spring Pavilions) or smaller I cannot.

I have never tried small buildings before, and I can't see a limit in documentation anywhere, so perhaps that is the update instead?

Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
There is a size limit. The building must be at least 4 squares. [Edit: At least 2x2, thank you @Enevhar Aldarion for clarification.] Also I think you can‘t apply an EE to any pet.

I tried to find the reference in the wiki but the layout of the wiki has changed and I couldn’t find it, but it’s been this way since I started playing.
Last edited:


New Member
@Pheryll I just discovered this limitation. I acquired several buildings in the last event (and season) that do not qualify for EE but I thought they would, so it was a disappointing experience.

It would be lovely if this was documented somewhere, perhaps the description of EE in-game? Or at least in the wiki.

[I hope that tagging you in this post to make sure you see it is appropriate; apologies if I'm not following forum etiquette.]


Set Designer
@Pheryll I just discovered this limitation. I acquired several buildings in the last event (and season) that do not qualify for EE but I thought they would, so it was a disappointing experience.

It would be lovely if this was documented somewhere, perhaps the description of EE in-game? Or at least in the wiki.

[I hope that tagging you in this post to make sure you see it is appropriate; apologies if I'm not following forum etiquette.]
1) If you are merely looking at what you can place an EE on, then it is any event building or culture tab building that has both dimensions at least 2 (e.g. 2x2) and does not have a feeding effect.

2) If you are looking at discovered resource boost, via the Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood, then double check the amount added to your stockpile versus the amount you are reported to collect from buildings. The LoGN will work on discovered resources that are not the primary production, it just will not be reported as such on the building.


New Member
1) If you are merely looking at what you can place an EE on, then it is any event building or culture tab building that has both dimensions at least 2 (e.g. 2x2) and does not have a feeding effect.

2) If you are looking at discovered resource boost, via the Lighthouse of Good Neighborhood, then double check the amount added to your stockpile versus the amount you are reported to collect from buildings. The LoGN will work on discovered resources that are not the primary production, it just will not be reported as such on the building.

@Pheryll Thanks for your response. I think this thread, including your recent response, makes the limitations clear. My opinion is that the in-game text (and even the wiki) do not make this limitation clear. It seems to me that a simple solution of updating the in-game description for EE to include the limitation would have a benefit of helping other players (most of whom, I assume, will not read this thread) avoid a situation similar to what I just did.

Just a friendly suggestion. Thanks again.


New Member
I am not even voluntary staff (if I became one, I would likely lose the ability to post discord announcements on the forum). You would be better off tagging a mod.
Ah, got it. Sorry about that - I thought you had some kind of official affiliation. Since I don't know who the mods are, I'll just hope that they see this (shouldn't be hard to find since there isn't too much going on in the forums now). Thanks!


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
ok it is listed

Rise of Phoenix Buildings Overview​

Hint: All buildings that provide culture and have a size of 2x2 or more can receive Neighborly Help to double their culture value for 8 hours.

Please note: All buildings that give Supplies, Coins, Goods or Orcs need a street connection to the Main Hall.

However the location isnt optimal and should be in neighborly help and culture buildings pages ... and soon will be there

Big shoutout to the wiki team for quick response and dedication.


Set Designer
However the location isnt optimal and should be in neighborly help and culture buildings pages ... and soon will be there

This is what it says on the Enchantments page:

"An Enchantment for every dear Elvenarian! It allows you to enchant your Cultural Buildings so that, when they receive Neighborly Help, your total Culture Bonus will increase directly 5%.
It is available at the end of Chapter I, as soon as you build the Magic Academy and it can be cast on Cultural Buildings.

The Enchantment will only be effective if your Basic Cultural Bonus is at least 125%"


Well-Known Member
Please note: All buildings that give Supplies, Coins, Goods or Orcs need a street connection to the Main Hall.

It's more than just Supplies, Coins, Goods, and Orcs. Pretty much any building that produces anything besides Population and Culture needs a street connection. (Of course Settlement buildings follow different rules.) This includes buildings that produce units, Knowledge Points, Ancient Wonder instants, etc...


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
It's more than just Supplies, Coins, Goods, and Orcs. Pretty much any building that produces anything besides Population and Culture needs a street connection. (Of course Settlement buildings follow different rules.) This includes buildings that produce units, Knowledge Points, Ancient Wonder instants, etc...
That was a copy paste from the Wiki on the Rise of Phoenix Buildings Overview that was done and may be specific for that event, but it was the only place that the 2x2 size was noted.


New Member
@Astram Thank you for getting this to the wiki team, and thank you wiki team for your quick response. It'll be great to have this in the neighborly help page and hopefully in the Enchantments page as well.