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Notebook and Message Archive Features


Hopefully this is not a duplicate, searched and did not find a similar thread, but may have missed it...
2 SIMPLE things that would make the game better, that are already in other Inno games and in many, many , many other MMO's out there...

1) Notebook Feature...
Right now, if an Archmage or other Fellowship Admin. wants to track member visits, points, boosted goods, trades, etc., they have to either write it all down on paper and have a mess on their desktop. Or write it in a documents program on the computer. Which is cumbersome, tedious and can be hard to find if they don't use a good file name they can easily remember. Or file names, I should say.
A simple "Notebook" feature. accessed from the top bar, let's say to the left, a button with an image of a notebook, beside builders available is shown. 1 click it opens a simple, editable text document, that can be used to store notes-to-self, tracking info, names of players booted for bad behavior, etc., that can be opened in game, without needing to open Word Pad or Note Pad or similar outside of the browser. It's not difficult.
You already have this feature in Grepolis. Or at least had it when I was playing it. So... put it in this game too. Put a limit on stored notebook entries to 5 or 7 or 10 or whatever, and be sure o have the character limit set reasonably... Basically the same thing as the Message feature, only no "send" feature and with an edit function, so the page can be updates for tracking info as needed.

2) Message Archive Feature...
Pretty self-explanatory there I think. A way to archive a set number of messages, so important ones (like Fellowship Rules, tactical plans, and so on) can be stored, while unimportant messages can be deleted after reading. This would stop the annoying-beyond-belief issue of message numbers constantly refreshing and showing in red every time you go out to visit neighbors, go into the Barracks, go to the research tree, visit Fellows to give NH. etc., like it does now. Really annoying to have message counts come back every time you do something, whether the messages in your inbox have been read or not. Checking constantly to make sure you have not missed a new message from the Fellowship Admin., only to find the same already read messages sucks. Archiving could solve this. Simply.

Just my thoughts on it. What say you?
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