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Notifications not going away


Mathematician par Excellence
EDIT: This seems to have resolved itself. I didn't do anything to fix it

Even after flipping through all 9 pages of notifications a few times, and reloading a lot it still keeps showing "15" new events in red. It goes away for a min, but if I visit someone else, or relog it's back.

Game version: v1.12.6-(40913b8) (2016-08-22 8:02)
Game world: wynyandor
Browser + version: chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: win10
Screen resolution:
Account name: SoggyShorts
Humans or Elves: elves

Reproducibility: 5/55

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
click events, notifications reset, but come back

Expected situation:
click events, notifications should reset to zero, and stay there until someone buffs me or accepts a trade

Reproduction Steps
click events to clear notifications
2. go to any other screen (knowledge tree/map etc)
return home
4. notifications is back at (8) in red
5. __
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