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On the snow flurry quest. I donated 50 today and 140 yesterday but did not get the daily gift

  • Thread starter DeletedUser5539
  • Start date


On the snow flurry quest. I donated 50 today and 140 yesterday but did not get the daily gifts such as the unicorn from yesterday and the flame today. You can see that I exchanged them during the time but it no longer working.




Each of the prizes listed in the boxes are only at chance at winning them. The first box you have a 7% chance of winning the building, the third box you have a 25% chance of winning the building. My advice is only open the largest box to get the most snowglobes for the grand prizes. But only open that box on the days that your really want the building. I am holding out for the Winter Star, Glacier Garden and Father Tree of Candy Canes. Those are the only days I will attempt to open the boxes. I will have more snowflakes, so I will open more boxes and hopefully increase my odds of getting the building I want.

You got a reward, just not a building...


Sorry I got it the 3 boxes have a % change of winning those items list on left. So in todays case where it says 7% change on first box for 50 snowflakes and 25% change on 140 that means I have a higher chance of winning the daily item or those other items based on %. But I guess there is no guarantee I will win anything each day since none of them are 100%. Thanks

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
You should always win something, If not the building, one of the other prizes listed. there is a popup that tells you what you won right after you get it. You might have got spells, KP's, relics, runes or snowflakes. but you always win something!
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