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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting Opening: Shangri-La (Rank 2, Gold Spire, 16 chest tournament)


Tetris Master
Shangri-La is seeking one more active spire topping member, with at least 2K tournament each week. Seeking late chapter, min 1mill score. Steel or Silk boost preferred.
Friendly, helpful group, no drama. Achieves Spire Gold (275 diamonds) each week, and 16 chests in tournament, pushing for more shortly. Optional FA. Multiple active KP threads. Apply in game please.


Tetris Master
Shangri-La currently has two openings, and we are looking for spire topping, 4k+ tournament players. We get Spire Gold (275 diamonds) every week, and open 15-16+ chests in Tournament. Any boosted goods, 1mill plus score. Friendly helpful bunch with a few finished Ch20 as well. Optional FA. Multiple active KP threads. Contact myself or Shadowman69 in game.


Tetris Master
Currently seeking one more high ranking player topping spire with decent tournament score. Contact myself or Shadowman69 in-game please.
Friendly, helpful mature group, no drama. Achieves Spire Gold (275 diamonds) each week, and 16-18 chests in tournament, some weeks 19. Optional FA. Multiple active KP threads. Quick trades. Several end chapter 20 players.


Tetris Master
Shangri-La, now ranked no 1, wanting 2 more players please. Seeking Ch19 or 20, Gold Spire, 4K+ tournament.
In return you get 275 diamonds a week, 16-18 chests in tournament, a friendly, helpful mature group, with no drama, and fast clearing trades.
Apply in game to Shadowman69.


Tetris Master
Shangri-La, ranked no 1 on US6, wanting 1 more player please, replacing retiring player. Seeking Ch19, 20 or 21, Gold Spire, 4K+ tournament, 2 mill+ score.
In return you get 275 diamonds a week, 16-18 chests in tournament, a friendly, helpful mature group, with no drama, and fast clearing trades. Multiple active KP threads, several end-game players. Optional FA, but we always claim all reward prizes.
Apply in game to Shadowman69.