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    Your Elvenar Team

Orcs are about to descend on my city and I need help


I am almost done with the 1st research in O&G. I have two crystal mfgs to upgrade one more time but each require 1000+ population. Nearly all my culture properties have population. I have only 1 expansion available. I have lots of event bldgs to place, and 2 or 3 ancient wonders ready to place, I need tons of space for mushrooms etc., my city needs redesigning as i have too much odd bits of open space. Today I feel almost to burn-out with Elvenar.

Maybe it’s not help but a pep talk I need, chuckling here...but not, today it is exasperating.


What world are you needing help in? I like playing around in EA and helping.


Ah, @RosehawkATA you helped me once before! I am in Ceravyn and struggling with this. I actually have 3 AWs ready to place and just started building the mercenary bldg and a third armory too boot!


Ah, @RosehawkATA you helped me once before! I am in Ceravyn and struggling with this. I actually have 3 AWs ready to place and just started building the mercenary bldg and a third armory too boot!

This isn't my favorite, but here's an idea for you. https://www.elvenarchitect.com/city/planner/29028fcc51404f4faf25f0a9aca5e48b/

You won't be able to get the 4th rally point placed until you upgrade your armories. Two will do it for you. If you want the third, move the magic academy and put the third armory there. There's some little stuff I left, like the Luminous Sign Post, there were some nooks and crannies they fit in.

The challenge was getting it all to fit with your uneven space available. Squaring that corner up should be a priority.


haha Cheer up!
Think of it like moving furniture in you house. Or as Soggy so elegantly puts it 'a sliding puzzle'.
Orcs is a long chapter but near the end you will be so happy you made it! :p
That's a great way to think of it. I usually consider it a jigsaw puzzle, but sliding puzzle is much more accurate.