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Out of Curiosity...What is this?

Here's the area in question next to the fishing spot event building. They removed the fisherman and his pole, but left the line and the ice hole for some reason.


  • ice3.jpg
    201.1 KB · Views: 194


Well-Known Member
I've seen a lot of great artwork, but, it has never induced me to get married.

Now that was quite and engaging response, pun very intended and no one in their right mind would every call you and Ice hole

Who you calling an ice hole? -_-


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
A long, long time ago, before the arrival of the elves and humans, there lived in what was then known as Catzalvania, a race of cats. This was one of their nine ancient and holy places where, it was said, the "nine lives' of the cat race were kept. Originally there was an entry to the cave system -- the lower parts of the entrance to the caves in the cliff on the left looking like a bowed leg, and on the right one half of the other leg. These two "legs" orignialy formed an arch over the sacred cave entrance until, during a particularly difficult geological period an earthquake caused the vertical split of the whole entrance (and probably dropped the stone in front of the right leg), leaving cat monument with a gaping dark vertical cleft in it. All of this was far and away long, long before the current races arrived, and some say the evidence is too slim to make any conjecture about the artifact. In fact, some people even say those who try to explain such artifacts are just making it up as they go along. Some would say that.

Where the cat race went and whether they will ever return is a mystery but there are legends that say they will return some day.



Well-Known Member
All of this was far and away long, long before the current races arrived, and some say the evidence is too slim to make any conjecture about the artifact.
In my city there is a group of elves, as well as 2 or 3 Amuni, who call themselves 'The Believers'. They have funded several archaeological digs of the site and have even recently gone as far as suggesting that the lone stone protrusion from the passing river was placed there on purpose. They believe this was t, intended to represent the tail of the guardian cat at the gate. Of course, many laugh off their so-called findings as purely speculative, but their membership numbers do grow with each new publification, so who knows.


Well-Known Member
I sure did not call anyone anything. I was just responding to someone who was trying to make a joke about a picture. Things do get mixed up in threads.