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Outdated Forum Information

Silly Bubbles

I only POP the bad ones
I think there is a need to warn new players about information that is not relevant any more or there are better ways of doing things that are still believed by players to be true. If we made a list of information and strategies that are outdated, it can make it much easier for them. Maybe also make it more visible somewhere so they don't accidentally use old information and make it harder for themselves. So let's make a list of what information and strategies that need to be updated to help them out. I think it would help newbies a lot to see what information to watch out for that is not correct anymore.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Yes, we Scroll Keepers are in the process of determining which of us are still active, and what information needs updating - or even ought to be added. And which of us are going to cover for the others. So we would like to know what you think is out of date.

Silly Bubbles

I only POP the bad ones
I would prefer everyone to have a say. It is nearly a 10 year old Forum.



Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
While the idea is very good we can make use of the existing Scroll Keepers to help this along. However, we must be cautious that many things are subject to individual perceptions and While party "A" may insist that their way is right party "B" will not agree and insist their way is right and sometimes they are both right BASED upon their city and play-style.

Silly Bubbles

I only POP the bad ones
While the idea is very good we can make use of the existing Scroll Keepers to help this along. However, we must be cautious that many things are subject to individual perceptions and While party "A" may insist that their way is right party "B" will not agree and insist their way is right and sometimes they are both right BASED upon their city and play-style.

To me, in this situation there's a need for all strategies to be shared. Also, a good discussion would be great to review that our preferred strategy is based on correct information and analysis to make sure that it actually does result in what we think it does.


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
@Silly Bubbles its best to leave discussions open on the forum that way others do get involved and help spread beneficial ways to each other. The Scrolls of Knowledge has facts and links posted for those facts. At times Ive included forum discussions when they pertain to the topic.
Is it things like that you are referring too?


Well-Known Member
There certainly needs to be an update to the imbalance of caterers to fighters in tournament play. The latest I've seen on this subject is 6 or 7 years old. Fighters have battle buildings, Phoenixes and such. Caters have...product. A late chapter fighter with a pocket full of troops and the afore mentioned assets may have the ability to post 10K or even way more points while a caterer in a similar chapter is limited by stored product and would possibly struggle or even deplete stored product to even approach a like score. This needs to be addressed.


Well-Known Member
Fighters have battle buildings, Phoenixes and such. Caters have...product
Although this is pretty true, I would like to add that the Blooming Trader Guild and the Lighthouse of good Neighbourhood are just two examples of buildings, in this case wonders, that can help caters a lot.
Plus caters have more space for manufactories when not having all those battle buildings and armories.
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Silly Bubbles

I only POP the bad ones
There certainly needs to be an update to the imbalance of caterers to fighters in tournament play. The latest I've seen on this subject is 6 or 7 years old.

I agree, we need more information for caters. I found this thread but catering is certainly not covered as much as fighting strategies. Also, new players would benefit out of it as catering is more viable option at the beginning than fighting. I can't really help much as I purely fight only at this moment but I am considering catering Spire.
