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    Your Elvenar Team

Parking city before guest races

Deleted User - 849777001

I have a baby city that is going through ch. 5 right now. I will park it after this to concentrate on my main city and to test the abilities of my baby city in tournament and Spire. It is an elf city and I am leaning toward military solutions. I have 3 armories to keep the troops flowing. Compared to my human city the mage and HM slots are pretty weak. Maybe Vallorian Valor buildings will help with HM but not sure what to do about those Blossom Mages. They are ok but get beat up pretty easy. I am looking to get a Fire Phoenix for sure but I am waiting until I join a blueprint fellowship or my current fellowship becomes blueprint capable (we are close).

What buildings, strategies, tips would you suggest for maximizing potential of a small city in the tournament and Spire. I am willing to remove lots of buildings and replace with others more suitable when the time comes.
I Don't know how this Post happened...I really have nothing to say...or add...must have fat fingers :)


Well-Known Member
So lets say, I build lots of factories to allow me to cater and negotiate my way. What is the best way to maximize those factories besides manufacturing enchantments? I know I will never have enough of them. I don't think there is an AW which helps like the Mountain Halls does. If Magical Manufacturing enchantments are the best, how do I make the most possible of those without running out of runes? Just looking for some tips to maximize my output.


Personal Conductor
I will often use 1MM spell on 1 manufactory and then use speedups on that 1 building. It allows me to stretch my inventory of MMs in early game.

I am in gold or high silver FS to increase the number of timers I win weekly. I do not often use timers to blast up the Spire, and I craft the 1 and 2 hour timers in the MA.

Often I will watch an add to boost the selected tier, drop 1 MM spell on 1 manufactory and then blow through my weekly allotment of speedups. This keeps my speedup inventory low but allows me to build up my MM inventory. Which I usually decimate making bracelets for the FA.


Well-Known Member
As someone who has parked a handful of cities around chapters III-V and routinely taken down the tourney & spire, I wouldn't be scared off from using military units. Here's an overview of a city I run that does a hybrid of catering and fighting in both tourney and spire:


Here are my recommendations:
  1. Limit the number of expansions you use to something comfortable, I found 40 expansions to be comfortable in Chapter V, but you can definitely squeeze way tighter.
  2. Human cities get better lower level units for fighting with the Paladin and Priest, but if you're already set on doing an Elven city, my recommendation is to look for event prizes that award useful fighters like blossom mages or witches to make up for the terrible sorceress.
  3. Keep a cap on the AWs that you use and level up. Martial Monastery is the only slam dunk in my mind. I know a lot of people will push for the Golden Abyss, but I've never found population to be a limiting factor, and the extra AW levels only hurt you in the tourney/spire. Needles is an interesting choice, but the Barracks speed-up is a little useless in Chapter V (not enough armory space), so it's really just trading 30 AW levels for the permanent 40% light ranged buff. It might be worth it, but only after you've made strides on the MM.
  4. Get the Fire Phoenix and evolve it ASAP. There's really no other event building that's more important. Pet Food shouldn't be an issue.
  5. Every event has one or two buildings that are generally better than your normal means of producing goods / troops, so participate in every event as best you can.
  6. It will be hardest in the beginning, but every week that goes by should improve the efficiency of your city. More Magic Res/WS from the spire, more fully evolved event buildings, etc. If you need a break on your resources, I like to plop down a handful of expiring military buildings once every 4-6 weeks and go to town.

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Dew Spinner

Well-Known Member
Remember Mountain Hall’s boost is off the base number before relics so it isn’t that significant in goods boosting. It’s mostly a population booster and a fun carnival ride.
I got rid of mine quite a while ago for the exact same reason, not worth the space or penalty you take in Spire/Tournament!


Well-Known Member
Yikes! It gives me anxiety to delete a wonder I have put so much kp into (its only lvl14) But I only get less than double the unboosted amount and it does take up a lot of room. My Temple of the Toads would fit there so nicely.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Yikes! It gives me anxiety to delete a wonder I have put so much kp into (its only lvl14) But I only get less than double the unboosted amount and it does take up a lot of room. My Temple of the Toads would fit there so nicely.
I deleted a level 30 Heros' Forge since I didn't need the orcs (I have 24 armories which produce 7k each a day and with a level 30 Pyramid of Purification, each armory produce 14k sentient goods a day. It was traumatic to do. It took me months of agony deciding. But with my dwindling PoP spells (down to 5k from 7k), I needed space to put in the Prosperity Towers allowing me to reduce the number of workshops needed to 4 magic ones which also means I don't have to use as many PoP spells. I know, 5k is still a lot, but playing for the long game meant they needed to not be dropping a half k a month.


I build all the buildings that produce free troops that I can get. Vallorian Valor, Grounds of the orc strategists, Witch hut, Azure stables, bumblebee stables, Solar training grounds, training dojo.... Build as many as you can fit in your city. These all pump out troops daily for you without a daily cost like the training grounds, mercenary camp and barracks do. Also, a lot of the wonders actually give you troops to fight with as well as increasing strength/attack/training speed, etc. Then when I am fighting, I always use the mercenary troops first; (since there is always the probability of losing a couple of troops in the first volley, no sense throwing away expensive barracks troops in the early rounds of a tournament, save them until they are needed). I find the Mercs can usually fight 8-12 rounds by themselves, especially if you throw in some expiring military buildings. Once the Mercs start losing battles, add in the monsters from the training grounds, then finally the barracks troops for the harder rounds.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Here's how I'd approach the whole thing. First, I'd cater everything for a long, long time, but I'd do it in a fellowship that wanted 10 chests and was willing to give me the goods to cater. After all, it's a lot cheaper for a chapter 5 city to cater provinces than a chapter 10. So find a group who want to support you by contributing goods to you each week. You do the work of catering deep into the tournament and they get the tournament points needed to reach 10 chests. AND, you get the space as you aren't relying on your goods production to reach those goals.

Second, then I'd build/upgrade everything as I also climbed the Spire. Hopefully, as you climb, you will get Magic Residences/Workshops ever so often. Once you get about 5 Magic Workshops and 10 Magic Residences you won't need any of the normal ones and, since you will have a stock of blueprints you can upgrade them as you go. It took me a couple years to get enough in my case but you are parked for a reason, right?

Third, now that you've cleared some space and are contributing to your fellowship nicely, you can afford to build the armories you will need. I'd build at least 6. I'd also craft like crazy picking up all the military buff buildings I can. In one city I did this and ended up with about 100 of each. That enabled me to go for a year at 8000+ tournament average.

Fourth, I'd raise the Golden Abyss as high as I could since, that, too, reduces the need for residences. One thing I've noticed in this game is that people often get to 50 residences at around chapter 10 to 12. Sadly, I think, they don't realize they can run on a lot fewer (both my cities in ch 16 and 19 have 6 and 7), and thus they lose a lot of space with fifteen to twenty residences.

Finally, once you have everything ready to go, I'd park at the end of every chapter and repeat all this, upgrading everything and all that, until I got to chapter 8-10 where I'd start making the transition to being a fighting city. And since you already have a lot of resources in inventory and six armories you can add the military AW's and upgrade them as they show up.

That's how I'd do it, anyway.


Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Here's how I'd approach the whole thing. First, I'd cater everything for a long, long time, but ...
I've worked this a couple of times in my FS and it can work pretty well to get the person up and running while letting them contribute to the FS. One thing I'd change in what you propose is house and workshop numbers. They have to get all the coin and hammers themselves, which is needed for both catering and city development. The coin and supply instants from the spire reduce the problem. The main point is they don't need to place a lot of manus but should have some and keep at the highest level possible. This helps them be ready to shift modes later as they build more for self-support. Upgrading the houses and workshops should not be done to keep them all at the same level. Upgrade one or two to the max level at a time then do the same with others, if needed. This makes selling the less developed ones less painful as they are replaced by magic ones. Also, it's cheaper than trying to keep all the buildings at the same level just to sell some off.
This is too much like letting someone else play my game for me. A chapter 5 catering city does not need help topping the spire or reaching carry weight in the tournament.
This is true, the people I've worked this with were starting a new city in a world and already experienced. The object was to get them through the early chapters including dwarves. Doing this for a completely new player can create horrible habits: Become too dependent on the gifts; massive over scouting and province clearing which puts them in danger at hitting the orc barrier. Plus, as you imply, it deprives them of the fun and frustration of having to keep their city balanced the whole time. It tends to be best to mentor people who are new to the game toward good habits for the way and direction they want to take their city.


Oh Wise One
So lets say, I build lots of factories to allow me to cater and negotiate my way. What is the best way to maximize those factories besides manufacturing enchantments? I know I will never have enough of them. I don't think there is an AW which helps like the Mountain Halls does. If Magical Manufacturing enchantments are the best, how do I make the most possible of those without running out of runes? Just looking for some tips to maximize my output.

Honestly you wont need MM spells, they are just a bonus. Monitoring your expansions and wonder levels will keep the costs down so you should be able to out produce your costs for some time. May also depend on how many provinces you plan to do. Knowing the optimal factory level for your race/chapter/boost is likely more beneficial. You can still use MM but you wont need them 24x7. If your parking for a long time, I would:
  • Spire to earn coin/supply instants and magic res to supplement coin earning.
  • Work towards 0 ws once my supply instants are enough
  • 10 chest tourny fs for blueprints for artifacts for evolving buildings
    • Polar bear for shorter tourny times and it gives a supply instant at high levels
    • Panda bear for lots of T2 goods
    • Racoon is also great for goods
  • Not build a barracks, better to use free troop buildings as they produce in better qty for much less space.
  • Free troop buildings to access later tech units along with pop/culture benefits
  • Look for nice goods producing event buildings to save space, especially T2 and T3 goods
  • Look for evolving buildings. Often these are quite beneficial even at lowish levels
  • Minimise expansions and wonders to keep costs down
The big unknown at that level is what is the ideal space. Can the production of 1 extra expansion out strip the increase in cost.

edit: Forgot to mention racoon evolving building
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Well-Known Member
Here is a view of my city in the middle of parking it. Have a few more techs to research in ch. 5 and just seeing how many manufactories, residences and workshops will be optimum.
Harandar city 080823.png


Well-Known Member
Not so fast! I think it doesn't effect you until you have like 85 AW upgrades. So if you are a smaller city you can definitely hang onto your AW's if you want.


Well-Known Member
MH is a great space saver due to its population boost so if you use the saved space well, it well and truly makes up for any penalties. I suppose it depends on what your intentions are.
Ugh, I hadn't noticed that secondary ability. I have 8000 plus pop in the Mountain Halls. It will take me 3 residences to make it up and that will actually cost me more space rather than save space.