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    Your Elvenar Team

Pet Food crafting, please


Well-Known Member
@SoggyShorts Even with all of that, I don't see the point of it anyway. So you make the Spire and tournaments cheaper to...get rewards you don't want because they get used on things that would make the Spire and tournaments more expensive? KP is used for research and AWs, both of which are 'bad'. Runes are also used for AWs, which are still 'bad'. Buildings you won't really have space for, since you're avoiding placing expansions. That leaves...spells, instants, and spell fragments. I guess those still have value? But this whole line of thinking still sounds completely backwards to me.


Well-Known Member
@qaccy Its all about the rankings. That really matters to people who try this type of city.

Also runes are priceless in a city like this. They have to continually build and tear down wonders to burn relics.


Mathematician par Excellence
@SoggyShorts Even with all of that, I don't see the point of it anyway. So you make the Spire and tournaments cheaper to...get rewards you don't want because they get used on things that would make the Spire and tournaments more expensive? KP is used for research and AWs, both of which are 'bad'. Runes are also used for AWs, which are still 'bad'. Buildings you won't really have space for, since you're avoiding placing expansions. That leaves...spells, instants, and spell fragments. I guess those still have value? But this whole line of thinking still sounds completely backwards to me.
You're kinda saying what we're thinking but from another angle.
Basically, the feeling is that at the start of chapter 16 my city has peaked.

What is the point of Elvenar anyways? To me, it was always to progress through the chapters and to make my city bigger and more powerful so that I could accomplish more with it. More in the tournament, more in the FA, more in the spire, just more.
Now, as you point out, doing more means you can do less, and you're right it's completely backwards.


Well-Known Member
I wrote down everything I got for all 3 cities for a week and averaged them out. I used time instants to complete petfood and military buildings. I admit I lost a cycle or maybe 2 each night. In that week I averaged 4 petfood per city and 1 MM, 1 UU and 1 ENL range per city for the week. This would mean in order to sustain 50% fighter health each week I would need to average 1 DA every two weeks.

Deleted User - 1178646

I am getting average 6 per week for many many many months now.
I usually do not miss any recipe pool


Mathematician par Excellence
I would have to develop my TW to a higher level than 16. I do not want to spend the resources doing that at the moment.
I think a level 1 polar bear + L16 TW should still let you do 2 tournaments on one UUU, no? I forget.


Well-Known Member
I know this is about pet food but I just wanted to throw in that I feel the pain. I'm in chapter nine and really want festival merchants. I have not seen one in MA in easily over two weeks (I don't track dates of acquisitions so I'm not sure exactly how long ago the last was). And I do not miss any cycle (adjusted the MA cycle to fit my schedule, set an alarm on my phone and pop on to check the list at each changeover). *sigh* still waiting.....


Tetris Master
I don't think I've seen this option before; three pet foods for 2500 Spell Fragments and a Bear artifact?


Well-Known Member
I don't think I've seen this option before; three pet foods for 2500 Spell Fragments and a Bear artifact?
View attachment 16864
It's been around for a while, you're lucky to have escaped this one. There's another one requiring phoenix artifacts. Both are ridiculous and should be reemoved ASAP imo. They are a trap for unsuspecting and new players. Same goes for the 1x1 builidngs requiring RRs.