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    Your Elvenar Team

Playing on a phone verse a laptop?


A penny for your thoughts! I’m just curious on if it’s better to play on a phone or some type of computer?

I personally started playing on my phone and was curious if I’m missing out on things by not using a computer to play. What are the pro’s and con’s of each.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
The mobile app has finally almost caught up with the browser version now that you can put KP into other players' Wonders. There are still a couple of things that make either the app or the browser version better, like how easy it is to visit map neighbors with the app, or how the app version of the Trader is a steaming pile of crap compared to the browser version. I never use the Trader when I am playing in the app. Instead, I always wait til I can use the browser version when I need to make or take a bunch of trades. This is especially true once you get to chapter 12 and beyond and the sentient goods start getting added. I am sure others will point out some things I am forgetting about, but those two are the big differences that I can think of right now.

Edit: one other big difference is when you fight in provinces or Spire or tournament with the browser version, you can choose between manually fighting the battles or letting the game auto-fight for you, while with the app, you can only use the auto-fight option. The browser version also gives you more info on your troops than the app.


Okay, I did know about battles on automatic verse manual. I’m at the end of chapter 11 now.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Okay, I did know about battles on automatic verse manual. I’m at the end of chapter 11 now.

Once you get into chapter 12 far enough to research your first sentient goods and research and upgrade your Trader, so that you can trade in them, the list of available trades is going to explode. And chapters 13 and 14 will make it much worse. Even if you do nothing with the browser version other than use it for trading, you will still benefit greatly. The browser version has three check boxes to let you filter the trades to just fellowship trades or just normal trades or just sentient trades, or a combination, depending on which boxes you check. The app Trader can do none of this.


The mobile app has finally almost caught up with the browser version now that you can put KP into other players' Wonders. There are still a couple of things that make either the app or the browser version better, like how easy it is to visit map neighbors with the app, or how the app version of the Trader is a steaming pile of crap compared to the browser version. I never use the Trader when I am playing in the app. Instead, I always wait til I can use the browser version when I need to make or take a bunch of trades. This is especially true once you get to chapter 12 and beyond and the sentient goods start getting added. I am sure others will point out some things I am forgetting about, but those two are the big differences that I can think of right now.

Edit: one other big difference is when you fight in provinces or Spire or tournament with the browser version, you can choose between manually fighting the battles or letting the game auto-fight for you, while with the app, you can only use the auto-fight option. The browser version also gives you more info on your troops than the app.

Another minor-ish difference is rearranging your city. I find it easier and less stressful on PC.