@Grid Gypsy - I know how you feel. I'm using an app emulator called BlueStacks. I've already discovered that, despite one of my neighbors never having returned to their city after starting construction on their main hall and thus preventing any neighborly help (they have no cultural buildings and the builder's hut was maxed out long ago) on the
browser, in the app I can actually help that main hall and get my gold.
And while it does cut down on the process of visiting on the world map, I find it dreadfully inconvenient that I can't zoom out when I'm in the city. Or, at least, I haven't figured out what to click and/or press to make that happen. I also don't like having Bob the Builder permanently residing in part of my screen. I don't know if it's supposed to be like that (I doubt it) and if it isn't, I don't know if it's an issue with the app itself or with the emulator. So, I think I'll stick to the browser for all but my neighborly help.