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Population requirement for Elven Steel Bldg


I was just wondering why there is such a huge a difference in the population requirement for the Elven steel production building (levels 15-19) vs the Humans'? I realize there are differences between each of the buildings for each of the races, but this one just seems to be extremely out of balance, especially considering the end result is an equal amount of production. Yeah, it may cost more coin to upgrade the Human building, but acquiring coin is nothing compared to gainig that much population (not to mention the permanent effect (i.e. culture)).


Did you consider the footprint size? Workers per square is what you need to look at to determine the overall effect of an upgrade that requires buildings with a different footprint, which is typically what happens each time you research a related upgrade technology.


Ok, that makes... I also did not see the jump in the Human bldg at level 11. Things look more even now. I guess that 444 pop shocked me. lol
