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    Your Elvenar Team

Possible issue in collecting Wonder rewards from multiple Wonders completed while offline


Game version: v0.35.18-(7bb5532) (2016-02-22 13:08)
Game world: US1 (Arendyll)
Browser + version: Firefox 44.0.2
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 8.1
Screen resolution: 1280x1024
Account name: Jixel
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: Unknown - happened once to me, but it's a complicated scenario.

Quest title: n/a

Current situation:
Here's what I think happened:
I was contributing KP to three wonders built by three players in my Fellowship.
I was the top non-owner contributer to all three - two were Bell Spire, one was Crystal Lighthouse (i.e. all the same "type", so I was expecting to receive runes for Crystal Lighthouse from all three).
I logged out for the evening, and logged in the next morning and saw that all three Wonders were being upgraded. However, I only had 10KP in the KP bar, and only one available Crystal Lighthouse rune.

Expected situation:
I was expecting three runes, plus the bonus KP from being a contributor to the other wonders - a minimum of 15 KP, probably much more.

Reproduction Steps
Player1 needs to at least have unlocked Elven/Human Ancient Wonders.
1. Contribute to Wonders belonging to at least two other players (Player2 & Player3), of the same type.
2. Ensure that Player1 contributions place Player1 in a position to collect rune+KP rewards from each, preferably first place.
3. Log out.
4. Have Player2 & Player3 complete the research for their wonders while Player1 logged out.
5. Also have Player2 & Player3 start the upgrades for their wonders while Player1 logged out.
6. Log in to Player1 and check what rewards are received.

Note - I raised a support ticket, but since there is no tracking of wonder contributions, it is "possible" that someone else "sniped" the rewards - however, my recollection is that I was well ahead of the 2nd place non-owner contributor in all cases, and there weren't enough remaining KP required in research for me to be pushed beyond the rune-reward level (i.e. at worst, I might have gone to 2nd place).

I'm hoping that the QA team can set up the above scenario and at least see if it's possible to recreate ...


  • If you have contributed half of the points, then you're guaranteed 1st place.
  • If you have contributed a third of the points, then you're guaranteed at least 2nd place
Here's how I manage my own Ancient Wonders
  • I contribute a third of the points to my own AWs. (To indicate interest.)
  • My contributors will then get a 50% greater dividend, and they can lock 1st place by matching my third.
  • I contribute to their AWs, so everything comes out even, and we've eliminated the low-hanging fruit.
We do still need two more features for AWs to be useful
  • Awarded KP packages, so that your hourly accumulation of KPs is not blocked
  • A local history for each AW, so that we CAN tell who did what
  • A global list all AWs, similar to what we have in FoE for the Great Buildings, would also be most helpful
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@Katwijk - yes, I do have a fair idea how the Wonders work, thanks :)
Have you seen any occurrence similar to the maybe-bug I'm reporting above ?

(agree on the extra features, but since those aren't currently available, I'd like to hear from the QA team if they can replicate what I observed ... )


In three different cities I have 4 AWs going full bore, and I pretty much keep track of the awards. I have not seen any anomalies since they fixed the initial bug with some of the AW tool tips.

You'll need to post a before and after picture, or at least indicate the contribution levels that constitute "top-nonowner contributors," and the level of the AWs. At the moment the most obvious answer is that you left enough slack for somebody to
  • contribute MORE points than you did
  • knock you out of the running
  • level the AW.
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We can certainly see if we are able to reproduce it.

Has anyone else has this occur as well?


This has happened to me too. I got the kp but NOT the rune! I know I was goinf to win 2actully bc I was in frist place I knew I had 19runes and next day I still had 19 even tho the person's aw was upgrading and I got 20kp!! When I logged off the aw only needed 10kp till upgrade and 2ent place had a whole 30kp less then me so I know I should have one frist place and 2runes!! I think it happened another time but I can't be sure on that one.


Active Member
I believe this has happened to me as well, it's really difficult to tell for certain. Lord Brian's post about notifications for AWs on the Beta forums, goes right to the point. Please Inno developers, consider making AW/ KP and rune notifications clearer - more like Goods trades, maybe? Right now, the process is pretty nebulous and really difficult to catch - especially when players log off for the night and the activity takes place before players log back into the game the next day. Kinda like the Tooth Fairy, eh? No one ever sees her! :)


I agree! that would be awesome, Good Idea Valtitube!


I had the opposite experience. I received the 2 runes I was expecting, but did not get the KP. It was only one wonder and my position was guaranteed by the amount I had contributed and the KP still required for the upgrade. Went to bed with 0 KP, woke up with the 2 runes and 7 KP. Support told me they could not track what had happened. They would look into it as a bug, but when I asked about receiving the 15 KP I was expecting, they just said if they found anything they would announce it in the forums. I assume that means, too bad...........


I believe I've had an issue with this as well. I would only get one or the other. In one instance I was positive I was first, the percentage I put in couldn't be beat, but I only got KP and no rune.


One member of our fellowship has quit because of this. When it happen to me it was "oh well its INNO what would I expect".


Hi guys -

I apologize that I am just now getting back to you on this one.

I just tried this with a Martial Monastery to no avail. The only issue I found was no display showing you had won the KP and rune shard when you signed back in, I will get that forwarded to our development team.

Should you think you did not get the rewards, please contact support and we can verify rune shards for you. :)