The TechTree debaucle is the gift that keeps on offending.
From Event Tasks to Season's tasks to even FA badges ....
the unintended consequences ( or were they ) have caused
pure Kaos/Pain to those it was meant to help , the newbs.
Add to that, the offending continues with endgame players
who also need certain legitimate "or" options to certain
tasks, plus the harrassment of everyone with other crazy
tasks..... all on top of the constant it seems, nerf'n everything.
I keep hearing about "core" buildings, well dag-nabbitt if
they are so darn "core", then they all should be CH1 research.
If community is so important, then FSs and NH should be
CH1 research.
As has been noted, these :
(Scout provenience. Finish provenience)
(Fight world map encounter. Negotiate world map encounter)
(Buy KP)
what about .........
Collect xx VisionVapor
Give NH
Collect spell fragments
collect/use instants of your choice (or specific ones)
collect CCs
Collect witch pts
Use Pet food
Donate to the Magic Academy
Now : (looking @ human, elf should be simmilar)
The MA is end of CH1, FSs are beginning of CH2,
FAs are middle of CH2, crafting is middle of CH3,
AWs are beginning of CH4, Tourn is middle of CH4,
Spire is beginning of CH5, Cauldron is middle of CH5.
The MA is almost useless till ya open up the Spire, in
order to have stuff to disenchant you still need tourns.
You won't get very far to earn crappy event bldgs to
disenchant either. Look @ just what tourn gets ya....
Instants, boosters, enchantments.....
Basically we're telling anyone who does last past day 1-2,
"your hosed", untill you reach CH5 and unlock Spire.
I took Computer programming, its not rocket science to
fix this situation, therefore since the Devs prolly have a
brain, its upper mgmt thats the problem here. The Devs
are only "allowed" to do what Mgmt says they can.
It wasn't like it when I started, but I remember hearing
horror stories here about how it was before I joined.
I think there was a couple good years there, but ever
since then Elvenar has been sliding down that slippery
slope. Forced Migration.... of both to CH5 and to Discord,
seems the final nails in the coffin, iono
. If Inno
thinks, some threads are "not flattering" to them, maybee
they should look @ the game. The game itself is the
biggest example of unflattering there is.
"Do XX reg/tourn/spire encounters" opening @ 6pm Sat,
if Inno wanted to stop looking stupid, they wouldn't put
that task, on that day, in the "locked" task days. Its a sign
that says "We know it makes no sence to you, but it does
to us and we put it there on purpouse
. " We've had
Q&As before from the "Devs" and we know how that goes.
We make a silly bingo board of what will be said ahead
of time, because the whole Q&A seems to be a joke. I
doubt seriously the one in a few days will be any different.
I'm all for cost-cutting measures but do we really need this
game in 20 languages ? ( x 8 worlds each ). I can see an
English, Spanish, and German server, perhaps Russian
or Chineese, even an arabic server..... but 20 ??? How many
of those also had a Forum ??? When you try to serve
everything to everyone, many times you end up serving
everyone nothing. As each one became saturated with
players, the only way to grow the playerbase was to add
even more and more, until here we are, everything crumbles.