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    Your Elvenar Team

Quest: Have one golden guard


What is a golden guard and where can you get it?

I thought this might have been something produced by marble factory, but I do not see it there.

Any ideas?


It is a Human Cultural Building. To view all of the buildings, click on Buildings-->Culture and you can scroll left and right to view your options.

Golden Guard
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Wow, interesting. I am starting to receive a lot of quests that I am nowhere near being able to complete. I am not even close to being able to build one of these. Guess i'll just decline this one as I do the others.


You get a group of quests that has you go through the tech tree. if you decline the first, the goals just keep getting farther and farther away so you pretty much have to decline the rest to get to your new set of dailies.

You should get easy quests mixed in with the quests that require you to unlock something, or people will continue to skipp all of them.


Occlo is correct. If you decline the optional quests as you advance in research level (every Scout upgrade) you will face challenges further and further away until you reach the "looping" quests - low reward, generally easy quests. These are similar to the supplies, gold, and trade quests in the first research tier.