You are right that the difference between the two is incentive, as I think I pretty much said. So I do understand it. The point I'll make here though, is that it's not an either/or. You may put KP on a fellow players AW because you want some profit AND you may also want to help out. Both can be your motives. The thing is though, as you become more motivated you are more likely to do something. And profit just adds to the motive.
As for the "fairness" of helping the "weaker" players, I can see that. If you think it's your job to help the weaker players (which I and most of us do) you might like one system over another. But from what I can tell, most players aren't too concerned with the distribution of runes so much as the system working and nobody getting hurt. The "hurt" seems to be in when some players "dominate" the various methods and thereby force the others to have fewer opportunities to contribute. Since the net zero is net zero and nobody makes anything what is it to anybody if a few players dominate it?
So, in the end you would leave a fellowship in which some players "take advantage" of the system and profit from it while other players do not?
@Darielle and
@Killy- And if it's more difficult for a small player to put in the amounts needed for a swap thread or net zero when they are at 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on up to 100KP, wouldn't it make sense to have them put in no more than 7 instead? 7, 6,5,4,3,2,1 is a lot less than 10 or more and thus, the small player would have a better chance at full participation in an FSO as described. This was not something of which I had thought before, so, thanks!
the incentive this is a pointless duscussion.
simply if you refuse to help me I refuse to help you. that way you also can't profit. there is your incentive.
Also I do not want to be your friend in RL, look like your the type of person who refuses to assist your friend with anything unless he or she dangles something in front of you, some payment in some form.
Because without incentive, why would you ever help someone. Right?
In relation to net 0
Affected by timezones? you are reliant on others to contribute so you are reliant on them being online. If you rely on others being online you rely on their timezone and playtime. Granted far less reliant than an endless thread as you can be patient with net 0 to get the donations required.
Every member can participate? A person without an available wonder (or any wonder) is unable to participate, for example a tech locked person is forced to find another arrangement or give away the kp.
Sure you can, you can just ask / grab some chests in advance, I do this so often during events where I have those annoying spend x KP quests.
And compound earnings? It comes in the methodolgy of the kp sharing. the WS works a little like a bank and I don't have the capacity to explain it as the original creator did. Best to find their thread and read through their maths and methodology
If WS compounds, then so do all other methods as well, as for netzero the compounding is different and is with the wonder owner, instead of the investors. it still compounds in the same way. as said no KP come out of thin air. any system is about reducing losses, you cannot "make" KP by using wonder societety, like Netzero.
It might be hard to see so let me give a simple example:
I have a 1000KP wonder, I invest 1000KP in wonder society and het 200 back. I can now invest those 200 again.
I have a 1000KP wonder, I invest 800KP in my wonder and 200 are filled by my fellows, I now have another 200 KP left to spend before I reach 1000 points.
See it's 100% the same. but in a reverse way. guess thats why it hard to see for some.
Guarenteed KP - If one argues self levelling has no kp return one has to apply the same argument to net 0. Both are working on the KP reward in the reverse, the benefit is in the kp given to my wonder.
No in self leveling you get nothing, you have a 1000 KP wonder and you spend 1000kp in it (or a tiny bit less)
But with netzero, you spend 200 less, so you have a guaranteed 200KP more to spend.
Net 0 you can snipe but it is less profitable (nil kp but cheap runes), I could tweak the criteria from a hard yes no to scalable as net 0 is better than most because of this. But a person who is sniping for runes will eat up a net 0 and push the donations out of alignment. with a ws snipers are frequently looking at 50 if not 100+ KP to get a chest, invariably this is a benefit to the society not a loss.
Yes someone could get a rune for nothing. but there timing has to be impecable.
In general players fill up there wonder most of the way, before shouting out the fill-up where I play.
I indeed do not like to fill the chests first and then fill up the wonder in your own pace for exactly that reason. so we dump most of it first and then shout it out. the window of opportunity at that time is so small it never happens. and if people pick up chest before that moment they risk to be kicked into losses
And of someone really needs the rune and spends 50kp for first place. well good for them, it's netzero.
I highly doubt anyone past the beginning stage realy cares about runes.
Fot the wonder owner it doesnt matter who spends the 50 KP in the 50 chest.
If net 0 had the same benefits as a WS it would rate the same. There are some criteria it just doesn't but for many people that criteria is minimal to irrelevant and that offsets against a need for a spreadsheet. For example if you FS is all in the same timezone you aren't going to care about that, play on an international server with people all over the world and barely 3-4 in the same time zone and that criteria becomes very important.
If your playing with a group of experienced players net0 has a lot of appeal.
Guess the US server is unique in that regard as it's the default app player dump location. so you get players from all over the world (no clue why the app doesnt default to international but to US instead)
Still, is it that rare to have ~8 players online in a 2 hour window?
Netzero is WS but without the burden of administration, and external out of the game sources.
Guess someone at some point said... why are we bothering using a sheet? if we do it this way we dont need one.
I hate WS, I like Netzero and the only reason is it's simplicity while giving the same benefits. I always ignored WS because of the administrative burden of difficulty of using a sheet. (yes I am aware there is a bot made for WS sheets, but the fact you need to use a bot relieve the burden of administration should say enoug. if it wasn't a pain in the a$$ nobody would have even bothered making a bot for it. because making a bot also takes a lot of time.