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    Your Elvenar Team

Release notes 0.30


Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to share your thoughts on the changes that came with the update to version 0.30.
We are looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


I sure hope you the bugs and memory leaks will be fix before you give it to us. The point of having a Beta server is to foind bugs and fix them before giving them to other so please have them fix it before or I dont want it. I am having problems already with errors and lagging junk.


Not one person on beta has been happy with this update. We are begging you NOT to bring it here. The game crashes badly and these new quests are horribly unbalanced.

The quest rebalancing?

The new quest is Gain 200,000 coins and produce 2 advanced tools and then get the 13,000 supplies. How absurd is that. So, in order to get the 13,000 supplies you need to set your workshops overnight for only a 3 hour production? Produce less so you can have some more? Come on. Needing to have tons of level 1 workshops around just so you can complete the coins quest is beyond absurd. Space is hard enough to come by, now you want us to waste it all with stupid level 1 workshops so we can set them for the 3 hour time period? Doesn't anyone who works there have any clue what actions these new quests will produce? It is either that or you lose out on hundreds of thousands of supplies a day.

I understand they want people to have more workshops, but this is beyond absurd. We have all been terribly upset on beta since this update and now you bring it to the live servers?

The crashes

The game is beyond slow again. I can't even move around the world map on beta without it crashing. Complete a fight...crash. Visit a neighbor...crash. Look around the map to see where you should scout next....crash. Try to move around your own city....crash. And when the game isn't crashing it is beyond slow and laggy. Still. We have all screamed about it all week and yet it hasn't been fixed on beta. Why would you bring this here?

I don't get why they would do that. The game is now more broken than ever on beta and that is an update?

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More workshops? OMG I dont have space for the wonders when I finish one or even anything else and now we are gonna have to put more? Man do they want to run us off or what?


I had to add 10 stupid level 1 workshops on beta. Then I was running out of coins because I keep losing out on the Gain 16,000 supplies quest. It seems they don't like us using the quests. I am totally messed up over here because I don't have a free space available. I can't build more workshops. I can't get a 9 hour production any more because it will cost too much. So now at night I will have to set my workshops for 3 hours. It is so backwards.

I can set two workshops for a 9 hour production and collect (3670 x 2) 7340 supplies. If I do this, when I collect my coins in the morning I lose out on the 13,000 supplies bonus. OR I set those two workshops for 3 hour productions collecting (2120 x 2) 4240 supplies PLUS the 13,000 bonus. 4240 + 13,000 = 17,240.

How backwards is it that I have to set my workshops for 4240 supplies instead of 7350 supplies? Plus, during the day I can't set 1 hour workshops any more because I need all those sets of 2 advanced tools.

I have to lose out on tons of supplies in order to keep getting supplies.

No matter what, we all will be losing a ton of coins and supplies every day. Isn't that great?


.30 brings us, these balance changes to our fantasy city building strategy game?

#1) All repeatable quests that required to gain goods have been changed to be sideline quests (declinable, but not repeatable)
I can see how from reading this forum post, a quest with the word "Gain goods" could be used to get coin/supplies rather quickly.
A task to make 135k coin in 10 minutes or less

rather than removing the goods quests from the declinable cycle.
maybe it would beneficial to have the quest changed to "produce" x goods?

#2) All repeatable quests that ask to gain Coins now have a requirement to produce Supplies as well from Chapter III on

requiring two - 3hours workshop advance tools production in addition to the coin requirement to get supplies.. hmm...
with just 8 workshops in .30, maybe one could set six workshops to make adv tools for quest, and the other two to make adv tools for coin quest.
To get your coin/supply during the inactive neighbors help visits/residence coin collection. (maybe setting a bunch of lvl 1 workshops in advance, for collection on those inactive neighbor visits/residence collection would be better for some..)


I don't see any updates so far today, but my world map is horrible. It's loading at a snails pace. Only a small portion will load , and small portions reluctantly pop in.


  • Mainline - neither declinable nor repeatable
  • Sideline - declinable but not repeatable
  • Repeatable - declinable and repeatable, until you move further down the tech tree, which will triggers a different set of quests.
  • I'm not aware of any mandatory quests that are also repeatable.
I've never seen a comprehensive list of the quests that are available at each stage, not even on any of the fansites nor in FoE, so I'm assuming that quest sequences are intentionally a bit of a mystery.


Mail ???? All of my old mail shows on the front of the screen....I log in I have 112 new messages, to see I have no new messages it's just telling me all of my old read mail is new. I delete mail, then have to wait for mail to load it shows again I have new mail. Although it's no big thing, it's rather annoying.
Why are we having so many glitches with the updates? Isn't that why we have beta to work out the glitches before it gets released into the game?
Even with the update still having trouble with the map loading.


Wow now when I set up my copper mines to make copper it take two times as much materials to make and then it pputs half back. So its like -18 metal -18 stone, -18 metal -18stone, +18 metal +18 stone. That all pops up when I do one copper. When is this game gonna update without messing up?

EDIT! OMG its doing it to ALL my production buildings. Im close to just quitting this game.

Edit": LOL When I scout the money comes off the culture. It dont take it away from it but it pops down under the culture amount instead of the money side. Way to go developers.
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Same as SaBella - the notifications are screwed up.

Loss of the Gain 4000 goods is disappointing, but what's new.

I noticed in the December Update, we were thanked for our feedback and "passion". I may take a poll of the top 250 players:

"Knowing what you know now, would you ever have started playing Elvenar?"
If the developers were genuinely interested in our feedback, that's the kind of question they'd be asking.


The latest gold quest change have taken the fun and usability out of the quest. It is getting closer to a useless quest on my list, which is already a short list.

If I pick only 1 things to say about the good and bad of the game, I would say this game has its strength in beautiful layout. But it is tedious to play.

I think higher priority should be given to make the game less tedious to play.
Here are a few examples.

1. Too many clicks to "neighborly help"
a. fellowship 6-7 clicks: click fellowship, click members tab, may need to advance to next page, click on member, click on visit castle, click on neighborly help, click build to help.
b. neighbors 4 clicks: click on neighbor castle, click neighborly help, click building, click on map to be ready for next castle.
I have a 25 member fellowship, 80 discovered neighbors. With some overlap, roughly 100 castles to visit. I would be great to reduce total click to 1 to 2 clicks. For example, add neighborly help to overland menu, and fellowship member menu. Allow player to configure neighborly help default priority. We can also add option to 1-click boost all members, 1-click boost all neighbors.

2. Too many clicks to cycle through Sideline quests.
This Sideline quest feature desperately need better UI design. I don't want to spend 5 minutes click through to find my quest, when the game can easily make it a drop down list to choose from.
3-click to abandon each quest, I would need around 20x3 = 60 clicks, plus quest refresh wait time for each, to select a new quest. Tell me that is not bad design !

3. Easier castle plan and change.
Since this is a castle building game, moving building around and changing castle floor plan is the key to this game. You would want this to be fun, rather than tedious.
a. Swap space or Temporary platter: moving large building in game require large empty space. Since space is scarce, sometimes redesign is not possible due to lack of large empty swap space. For example, I had to wait for a week or 2 to move my main building from the default location to the cliff side, because of lack of swap space.
b. castle configuration save: rearranging to new castle configuration is fun. But retracting changes to previous setup is tedious. It would be great if castle configuration can be saved.

I will re-post portion in suggest forum section.
