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    Your Elvenar Team

Release notes version 1.0


Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to share your thoughts on the changes that came with the update to version 1.0.
We are looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Hey i haven't been able to get on khelonaar for about 2 hours now im guessing this update is the cause???


So, where is the notice on the province requirement when completing chapters? I have one world where I cannot advance now. I am 1-2 points from completing Advanced Scouting and I can't even access that research box anymore. I was at 4/10 on provinces (following the quests) and now I'm at 5/10. The Magic Academy, which I had no intention of researching on this particular world, is now maxed and I am going to lose 5 provinces worth of KP because of this change. Please change the "province requirement" to a goal and move the chest out of the way to make it accessible if/when players reach the province goals.

I will not spin my wheels and waste time or the KP. Since I can't delete the world, I will simply stop playing on it. Thank goodness it's not one I actually spent real world cash on.



Elvenar Team: Please find a resolution for this issue... I believe you may loose players due to this.
I am sure there are many of us in that situation. I only needed a couple more knowledge points to unlock the scouts in the beginning of section V last night but was not able to get into the game. This morning, I now need to complete 13 provinces..... :mad:
The KP pints for battles and the time required to train, battle and complete 13 provinces is in the hundreds !!!!
If there is not a way to undo or maintain these points, I will just leave the game as well... I was actually angry this morning.


4 cities can't advance now and my main city is getting close it as well. I don't think it's worth my time to wait on complete the new provinces requirement. I won't be playing any more if my main city's progress got blocked by something I don't care about.
To push the magic academy with this method will likely drive none diamond player away.

At least make it a CHOICE instead a ROAD BLOCK.

Maybe the whole point is to get diamond players to pay more money and none diamond player's reaction is none of importance since there's no money coming in for your company? Then just make the game open for diamond player only by require real money to activate account. Same effect anyways.


Repeatable quests are not working. Is this intentional?

Not a bad updated. We may only loss 2 more from the fellowship. The best trick was adding the # of provinces to the research tree progress. Of course they are related. Kudos to the black fun sucking hole.
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I hate, hate, hate the stupid province's chest. I was waiting for the final small amount of goods I needed via trade and just got them. Now I can't get past the chest because this is some freaking new requirement for unlocking that research! If I had gotten that trade one day earlier I wouldn't need that cr*p! IF YOU ARE GOING TO SHOVE THIS DOWN MY THROAT I WILL JUST QUIT THE GAME. You need to make it a choice, after all the game isn't THAT popular that you can put up road blocks and think that people won't just jump ship.


The world map is much better!

Thank you for making the chests retroactive, so that cities that did the research can get the spells.


Hi, was talked into this game by a friend. Liked it. Played it. Spent a few hundred dollars on it. You can check that. Now after waiting for the next chapter so my friends can move on, there is no next chapter yet. I spent money to catch up quicker. Thats what diamonds do. Instant gratification. Now after getting ahead my friends and I are watching the others who did not spend money catch up. I am not to the last chapter yet, but those who are are giving up and quitting the game. You can check that too. No sense of urgency when the game stops to let others catch up to you. Also no fun without my friends. Why would anyone buy diamonds after reading this and seeing the way our investment is protected. My language is civil as you can see, because I am civil.. For now I will simply watch and see how things go and how you make ammends with your patrons.


Now after waiting for the next chapter so my friends can move on, there is no next chapter yet
You must keep in mind the game is still being developed. It is subject to "about turn" as you would see in a beta application. There is a sandbox "beta" you can play to see what is coming next and there is other worlds that you can play for fun. They to will accept your pesos if you wish to move up quickly. Be patience the twists and turns the game throws at you (much like a upper cut) are part of the adventure. :)


You must keep in mind the game is still being developed.

I agree, but don't you think it would be more fair to people to call this beta2? If you are in beta, you are in beta and still developing and changing the game. If you aren't, then you aren't. The good news is that in the last update they said they learned a lot from the fairies so the next race should come a lot faster.


Active Member
One of the most popular games in the world, the board game, Monopoly, was originated by a woman in 1903-1904. The game was tweaked by various people up to the 1930's, when it was sold to Parker Bros who've made a mint from it. Monopoly still undergoes updates!

While I've been frustrated by some of the bugs that happen with Elvenar updates, I love being part of the development of a new game. As one player in one of my fellowships says, "I like to be on the cutting edge, as long as it's not the bleeding edge!" My sentiments, exactly, but then I know how software development environments work. "Where simplicity is complex" - sometimes, not always.