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    Your Elvenar Team

Repeatable Quests List By Chapter (Declinable/Dwarves/Elf/Fairy/Orcs)


While i'm sure this information is buried deep in some discussion thread on here... my google / forum search foo was unable to find it which means I'm probably not the only one... So, lets use this thread to maintain a clean list of the repeatable quests per chapter.

I have seeded it with the two chapters I have written down. I would REALLY appreciate it if someone could add the repeatable quests for Orcs.

Please help me keep this on thread target and not make this another long discussion chain where one must wade through gobs commentary to get this information. This is not the place to discuss whether you like or dislike changes to quest structure.

CHAPTER PRE DWARVES (Either Chapter 3 or 4)

1 MFG > LVL 6 -> 10k/6k
8k Supplies —> 70k
Fight 3 Encounters —> 40k / 4k
Any Bldg > LVL 6 —> 10k / 6k
1 Workshop > LVL 6 —> 20k / 5k
Gain 100 Population —> 60k / 1k (was repeatable for a while... I suspect this has changed though)
Solve 4 —> 50k / 3k
Gain 120k coins + 2 adv. tools -> 0 / 7k
Complete Province —> 20k / 4k
Spend 12 KB Points —> 15k / 2.5k
Gain 4 Relics —> 45k / 3.5k
900 Silk —> 30k / 1k
600 Gems —> 20k / 2k
1200 Marble —> 10k / 3k
1 Residence > LVL 6 —> 20k / 5k
Marble 24H + 8k supplies —> 100k / 0k
Silk 24H + 8k supplies —> 100k / 0k
Gems 24H + 8k supp —> 100k / 0k
Bread 8 Times —> 20k / 1k
6 Advanced Tools —> 30k / 4k
1 Boosted MFG > LVL 6 —> 10k / 6k

1 MFG > LVL 11 -> 50k/5k
1 Residence > LVL 11 —> 50k / 6k
Fight 3 Encounters —> 50k / 6k
Marble 24h + 16k —> 150k
1 Workshop > LVL 6 —> 40k / 7k
Solve 4 Encounters —> 40k / 8k
Gain 200k coins + 2 adv. tools -> 0 / 13k

Silk 24H + 16k supplies —> 150k / 0k
Complete Province —> 20k / 4k
Gems 24H + 8k supp —> 150k / 0k
Gain 4 Relics —> 60k / 6k
Produce Bev 10 Bread 2x --> 15k
4000 Silk —> 15k / 4,5k
4000 Gems —> 50k / 1k
4000 Marble —> 35k / 2.5k
1 BLDG > 11 20k/9k
Bread 8 Times —> 40k / 1k
6 Advanced Tools —> 80k / 2k
1 Boosted MFG > 11 —> 50k/5k
Gain 16k Supplies —> 100k

Note: some of the declinable quests go away once you do them. I left them off.

Keywords: "Declinable Quest List", "Repeatable Quest List", "Orc Quest List", "Fairy Quest List"
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Oh Wise One
Note there can be variation between Humans and Elves so you will need to specify which race. I have been working on this for my guide, the ones I know of are below. Obviously some gaps in the era 1 quest list. The numbers to the side are Coins and then supplies, sorry about the poor formatting.

For Elves
Era 1 - The Arrival
Gain 40 of "X" non-boosted Tier 1 good
Gain 40 of "Y" non-boosted Tier 1 good
Gain 100 of Tier 1 boosted good
Era 3 - Ascending Magic
  1. Fight and win in 3 encounters --> 10,000 2,000
  2. Complete a Main Hall upgrade --> 25,000 1,500
  3. Gain 200 (Tier 2 boosted good) --> 10,000 4,000
  4. Gain 40,000 coins and produce advanced tools 2 times 3,000
  5. Complete 1 Residence upgrade to level 5 or higher 15,000 1,500
  6. Complete 1 Workshop upgrade to level 5 or higher 10,000 2,000
  7. Complete 1 Manufactory upgrade to level 5 or higher 20,000 2,500
  8. Gain 2,000 supplies 45,000
  9. Place 3 trade offers and gain 200 (Tier 2 boosted good) 30,000 2,000
  10. Complete a Province 20,000 2,000
  11. Solve 4 encounters 2,500
  12. Complete 1 Boosted Manufactory upgrade to level 5 or higher 15,000 2,500
  13. Produce 1 (Tier 1, 1-day) good and gain 2,000 supplies 60,000
  14. Gain 5 Relics 20,000 2,500
  15. Produce 1 (Tier 2, 1-day) good and gain 2,000 supplies 60,000

Era 6 - Dwarves
1 Complete a Main Hall Upgrade 60,000 5,000
2 Complete a Province 20,000 4,000
3 Produce 1 (Tier 2, 1-day) Good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
4 Gain 4 relics 60,000 6,000
5 Produce 1 (Tier 3, 1-day) Good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
6 Gain 4000 (Tier 2) Goods 15,000 4,500
7 Gain 4000 (Tier 3) Goods 50,000 1,000
8 Gain 4000 (Tier 1) Goods 35,000 2,500
9 Complete 1 Residence upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 6,000
10 Produce 1 (Tier 1, 1-day) good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
11 Gain 16,000 supplies 100,000
12 Produce bread 8 times 40,000
13 Produce advanced Tools 6 times 80,000 1,000
14 Complete 1 Boosted Manufactory to level 11 or higher 50,000 2,000
15 Research 1 technology 25,000 5,000
16 Complete 1 Manufactory upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 7,500
17 Fight and win 3 encounters 50,000 5,000
18 Complete 1 Building upgrade to level 11 or higher 20,000 6,000
19 Spend 12 Knowledge points 35,000 9,000
20 Complete 1 Workshop upgrade to level 11 or higher 40,000 2,500
21 Solve 4 encounters 40,000 7,000
22 Gain 200,000 Coins and produce advanced tools 2 times 8,000

Era 8 - Orcs and Goblins
1 Gain 200K coins and produce advanced tools 2 times 13,000
2 Solve 4 encounters 40,000 8,000
3 Complete 1 Workshop upgrade to level 11 or higher 40,000 7,000
4 Complete 1 Building upgrade to level 11 or higher 20,000 9,000
5 Complete 1 Residence upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 6,000
6 Complete 1 Manufactory upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 5,000
7 Produce advanced Tools 6 times 80,000 2,000
8 Produce bread 8 times 40,000 1,000
9 Gain 16,000 supplies 100,000
10 Produce 1 (Tier 1, 1-day) good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
11 Produce 1 (Tier 2, 1-day) Good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
12 Produce 1 (Tier 3, 1-day) Good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
13 Produce beverages 10 times and bread 2 times 15,000
14 Fight and win 3 encounters 50,000 6,000
15 Gain 4000 (Tier 1) Goods 35,000 2,500
16 Gain 4000 (Tier 3) Goods 50,000 1,000
17 Gain 4000 (Tier 2) Goods 15,000 4,500
18 Gain 4 relics 60,000 6,000
19 Complete a province 20,000 4,000

For Humans:
Era 6 - Dwarves
1 Complete a Province 20,000 4,000
2 Produce 1 (Tier 2, 1-day) Good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
3 Gain 4 relics 60,000 6,000
4 Produce 1 (Tier 3, 1-day) Good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
5 Gain 4000 (Tier 2) Goods 15,000 4,500
6 Gain 8000 Granite 120,000
7 Gain 4000 (Tier 3) Goods 50,000 1,000
8 Gain 4000 (Tier 1) Goods 35,000 2,500
9 Fight and win 3 encounters 50,000 6,000
10 Complete 1 Residence upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 6,000
11 Place 3 trade offers and gain 200 (Tier 2) good 30,000 2,000
12 Gain 16,000 supplies 100,000
13 Research 1 technology 25,000 7,500
14 Produce bread 8 times 40,000 1,000
15 Produce advanced Tools 6 times 80,000 2,000
16 Complete 1 Boosted Manufactory to level 11 or higher 50,000 5,000
17 Spend 12 Knowledge points 35,000 2,500
18 Complete 1 Manufactory upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 5,000
19 Complete 1 Building upgrade to level 11 or higher 20,000 9,000
20 Complete 1 Workshop upgrade to level 11 or higher 40,000 7,000
21 Produce 1 (Tier 1, 1-day) good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
22 Solve 4 encounters 40,000 8,000
23 Gain 200,000 Coins and produce advanced tools 2 times 13,000

Era 7 - Fairies
Place 5 Trade offers 25000 2500 did not repeat
Build 3 Cultural Buildings 35000 6500 did not repeat
Gain 100 Culture 15000 8500 did not repeat
Gain 100 population 90000 1000 did not repeat
Train 150 Priests 40000 2000 did not repeat

1 Produce bread 8 times 40000 1000
2 Produce advanced tools 6 times 80000 2000
3 Complete 1 Boosted Manufactory upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 5,000
4 Gain 16,000 supplies 100000
5 Complete 1 Manufactory upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 5,000
6 Complete 1 Residence upgrade to level 11 or higher 50,000 6,000
7 Complete 1 Workshop upgrade to level 11 or higher 40,000 7,000
8 Produce 1 (Tier 1, 1-day) good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
9 Solve 4 encounters 40000 8000
10 Gain 200K coins and produce advanced tools 2 times 13,000
11 Complete a Province 20000 4000
12 Produce 1 (Tier 2, 1-day) Good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
13 Gain 4 Relics 60000 6000
14 Produce 1 (Tier 3, 1-day) Good and 16,000 supplies 150,000
15 Gain 4000 (Tier 2) Goods 15,000 4,500
16 Produce beverages 10 times and bread 2 times 15,000
17 Gain 4000 (Tier 3) Goods 50,000 1,000
18 Gain 4000 (Tier 1) Goods 35,000 2,500
19 Fight and win 3 encounters 50,000 6,000
20 Complete 1 Building upgrade to level 11 or higher 20,000 9,000
21 Place 3 trade offers and gain 200 (tier 2 boosted) goods 30,000 2,000
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I need to print this out. lol. then I can see how much more I have to click to get to the one I want. smiles... thanks everyone for the great info!!


Chapter V (A Path to Heritage) ELVES

1. Complete 1 Manufactory upgrade to level 9 or higher --> $50,000 / 3,000
2. Produce 1 (Tier 1, 1-day) Good and 12,000 supplies --> $120,000
3. Complete a Main Hall upgrade --> $50,000 / 6,000
4. Spend 12 Knowledge Points --> $25,000 / 2,500
5. Research 1 technology --> $20,000 / 7,000
6. Produce 1 (Tier 2, 1-day) Good and 12,000 supplies --> $120,000
7. Gain 12,000 supplies --> $80,000
8. Produce Bread 8 times --> $30,000 / 1,000
9. Produce advanced tools 6 times --> $40,000 / 4,000
10. Complete 1 Boosted Manufactory upgrade to level 9 or higher -->$50,000 / 3,000
11. Gain 2,500 (Tier 1) Goods --> $20,000 / 4,000
12. Complete 1 Residence upgrade to level 9 or higher --> $30,000 / 7,000
13. Complete 1 Building upgrade to level 9 or higher --> $30,000 / 7,000
14. Complete 1 Workshop upgrade to level 6 or higher --> $30,000 / 5,000 (It´s really level 6, I double checked)
15. Solve 4 encounters --> $50,000 / 5,000
16. Gain 170K Coins and produce advanced tools 2 times --> 9,000
17. Gain 1,200 (Tier 3) Goods --> $30,000 / 3,000
18. Complete a Province --> $30,000 / 4,000
19. Gain 4 relics --> $50,000 / 5,000
20. Gain 1,800 (Tier 2) Goods --> $50,000 / 1,000
21. Fight and win in 3 encounters --> $50,000 / 5,000
22. Produce 1 (Tier 3, 1-day) Good and 12,000 supplies --> $120,000

Unfortunately I´ve already finished the declinable quests that don´t repeat and I don´t remember the rewards. They were:
-Accept ? Trade offers
-Place 5 Trade offers
-Build 3 Cultural Buildings
-Gain 100 Culture
-Gain 100 population
-Train 300 Sorceresses
- Have a level 15 workshop --> $40,000 / 10,000
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