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Replenishing culture

  • Thread starter DeletedUser3159
  • Start date


For everyone that upgrades all their building at the same time (for quests, research tree, etc) runs out of culture fast. Why not have the culture reset once a week, instead of building more? We all can benefit from this, for we run out of room before the next expansion can be reached, not enough supplies for clearing the provinces, or no diamonds to spend. It would help with upgrading and completing tasks easier. I'm in the process of upgrading my houses for a quest, and running out of culture, for the next step is to upgrade my manufactories - which take population and culture. So replenishing culture can help those people have no room to add any culture buildings.

Thanks for your time is reading this.


Huh???? When you upgrade, or add more buildings, you'll need to build more Cultural Buildings, just like you'll need more Workers and Supplies. What does resetting have to do with it??


If you have no room to build more buildings, no population or culture to upgrade then your stuck. Resetting culture gives us a small boost to make our village better. Of course that's just my thought and opinion on this matter. Some people don't have a lot of cash to spend on the diamonds needed to upgrade things they need