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    Your Elvenar Team

residence will not open


I have 4 residences, 3 at level 10, one at level 9. I have them grouped 2 together but across the board as a set from each other. Two together open the window so i can see production and able to upgrade. The other two, on the opposite end of the board, will not open the dialogue box. Any ideas?

Thanks, Mike


Hello, Sire.
I was able to open all of your residences just fine. It would be wise to clean browser's cache and cookies and then re-logging into the game.

Let us know if you are successful or not.

Can not reproduce:
Win 8.1x64
FF 37.0.2
Elvenar 0.14.13280


Hello, Sire.
I was able to open all of your residences just fine. It would be wise to clean browser's cache and cookies and then re-logging into the game.

Let us know if you are successful or not.

Can not reproduce:
Win 8.1x64
FF 37.0.2
Elvenar 0.14.13280
Thanks, it has seemed to resolve as of today....


I am glad you are back to enjoying your game. Plz let me know if more problems arise. Respect to the vets !


I've gotten this before, but it never lasted longer then the time it took me to reload the game.

Not sure what could cause it, but my problem residences were always at the edge of my map borders.


its caused by moving buildings and the path breaks, its enough to refresh page
or you will face a bug where it shows a building without gold or supply and actually u dont take it with clicking