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    Your Elvenar Team

Rotating When Moving


Hey, my question...Is there a way to rotate things when I move them around?


Unfortunately, there is no method to rotate buildings. This is also not going to be an implemented feature in the future - both due to the cost and effort associated with re-shading and rendering different animated images for each building level and the added strategic importance of this "lack" of a feature. One of the challenges of the game - and the genre of city-builders is to make the most use out of limited space. Please note, however, that many buildings (such as cultural buildings) have a counterpart version that runs the opposite direction in later research. For example, a 1x3 cultural building is reflected with a 3x1 cultural building later. A 2x1 is reflected by a 1x2. It can take careful planning to make a perfect city - a purely functional city, an aesthetically pleasing city, or a hybrid of both - this is one of the challenges of the game.