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Scouting question about province difficulty


I'm nearing the end of Ch3, with 2.5 tech's left to research. I've scouted 43 out of 50 provinces so far and my unscouted provinces are all "hard".

When I was finishing ch2 and all my provinces were "hard" to "very hard". I was told it was because I had overscouted, which was true. I did eventually get to a point where my provinces were "easy". But now, even with me being patient with my province scouting, was expecting to see my provinces stay easy. What am I missing?


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
This is an intentional choke point, put in by the game designers, to test your resolve. We knew it was coming and advised you to slow down because imagine how hard it would be to play the events, or move forward, if you hadn't slowed your pace. This way, you do have the resources, barely.


This is an intentional choke point, put in by the game designers, to test your resolve. We knew it was coming and advised you to slow down because imagine how hard it would be to play the events, or move forward, if you hadn't slowed your pace. This way, you do have the resources, barely.

But I slowed down...and I was rewarded with easy provinces for awhile. I am "under" scouted right now so I don't understand why I am now choking.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
We all hit this point, end of chapter 2. It IS hard, this is designed that way. But it is possible to get through this. We made it, so will you.
The game designers made it to be hard for everyone. Believe me, it would be harder if you hadn't slowed down.


Well-Known Member
As @Lelanya said it is a choke point in the game. It is not you, you did nothing wrong. How hard it hits and how long it lasts depends on how "over scouted" you are when you hit it. It is a point in the game where you dont have the troop strength or the production capabilities to power through hard provinces.

It will ease up by mid chapter 4 and you will be able to afford clearing the "hard" provinces. By chapter 5 you will be able to clear them pretty handily. This is a slow down. The next one is in ring 12 on your map(province 222). You should make sure you stay out of that ring until you hit the orcs chapter.