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    Your Elvenar Team

Searching for FS in the App


How does the App choose which Fellowships to show to players? The FS I am now a part of never showed up as an option for me on the app, so it was not until I checked out Elvenar's browser version that I was able to discover messages and find my FS.

Now we are trying to grow the FS, but have limited options from who's in the neighborhood. It would be awesome to get recruits from elsewhere in the world, but I am not sure how to get visibility. One avenue should be for players to discover us on the app, but I have no idea how to increase visibility. Does anyone know?

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Someone in your fellowship needs to go into the game from the browser and send out requests to people from there because I do not think there is a way to send requests from the app. Also, people who only play on the app will never see a join request sent to them, just like app-only users cannot see the fellowship message threads.