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    Your Elvenar Team

Sentient Goods Decay


Well-Known Member
Is there anything available to decrease the rate of decay for Sentient Goods? (Like the reduction for Seeds?). Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
This is my perspective and method relative to my experience with Sentient Goods so far

First, there are occasions when I am halted in research, and when I am halted my need for Sentient goods is low, so unless I have an immediate use, I do not produce them. When sentient goods are lost to decay you are losing seeds, standard goods, coins, supplies, and the time involved to produce the Sentient goods, Standard Goods, Coins, & Supplies.

Second, When I do need to produce a lot for research or upgrades, I enchant my factories. This way I minimize the number of instances my Sentient Goods are subjected to decay.

Decay is compounding so the longer it takes to produce the quantity needed the more you lose.

Beginning with 0 excluding the Sunset
Day 1 production 30,000
After decay 27,000
Day 2 production 30,000 + 27,000 = 57,000
After decay 51,300
Day 3 production 30,000 + 51,300 = 81,300
After decay 73,170

After 3 instances of Decay, I’ve lost 16,830 units more than ½ of the day 1 production

This is why I do not produce them if I do not need them, and it is also why when I need them for more than the Spire, I Enchant my factories. The quicker I produce them the quicker I can pay for my research or upgrades

Third, to increase the effect value and duration of my enchantment, I have the Elvenar Trade Center. The ETC also has the benefit of direct seed production, and each level increases the trader seed bonus value

Fourth, I also have a storm phoenix, which doubles the effect value of the MM enchantment for 3.5 hours. To increase the value further I use time spells to collect 1 - 9hr production and 2 - 3hr productions each factory within the active duration.


These numbers reflect my TimeWarp production bonus, so the unit quantity is higher than otherwise, but I think the values are extreme enough to demonstrate the massive increase when using the Elvenar Trade Center & Storm Phoenix Magical Manufacturing Enchantment.

These numbers reflect the production of both Enchanted & Unenchanted Sentient Goods using:
2 - level 27 Factories of all 3 tiers
Each factory 1 - 9hr and 2 - 3hr productions
Level 15 Elvenar Trade Center: 76.25% MM enchantment effect
Stage 10 Storm Phoenix

Unenchanted Productions
Total Sentient T3: 38,348 units / units per seed - 1.98
Total Sentient T2: 37,093 units / units per seed - 2.28
Total Sentient T1: 30,284 units / units per seed - 2.27
Total Seed Cost - 46,320
Total Standard Goods cost - 69,800
Coins approx. - 1.2m
Supplies approx. - 1.2k

Enchanted with the Elvenar Trade Center & Storm Phoenix
Total Sentient T3: 86,776 units / units per seed - 5.16
Total Sentient T2: 83,830 units / units per seed - 5.17
Total Sentient T1: 68,532 units / units per seed - 5.14
Total Seed Cost - 46,320
Total Standard Goods cost - 69,800
Total Time Spells - 18hrs
Total Relics for 6 MM Enchantments - 24
Pet Food - 1
Coins approx. - 1.2m
Supplies approx. - 1.2k

Also, using the Time Spells allows time for more enchanted productions after the Storm phoenix effect ends also. My ETC MM duration is 19 hours & 43 min, which means I can collect as many as 2 - 9hr & 4 - 3hr productions or 1 - 9hr & 7 - 3hr enchanted production per factory. Of course, if I can produce all I need and use it prior to decay I will not lose any. If I am close enough to acquiring the amount, I need to justify the cost and if I have them available, I use time spells to speed up production duration while the enchantment is still active.

This is my strategy even with the Simia. Perhaps not the best, but better than nothing. Even without the ETC and storm using the enchantments are well worth their cost.


Well-Known Member
I also accept cross trades for the sentient tier I need rather than wait 3 to 5 days to accumulate a few hundred thousand goods for 1 research


Well-Known Member
This is my perspective and method relative to my experience with Sentient Goods so far

First, there are occasions when I am halted in research, and when I am halted my need for Sentient goods is low, so unless I have an immediate use, I do not produce them. When sentient goods are lost to decay you are losing seeds, standard goods, coins, supplies, and the time involved to produce the Sentient goods, Standard Goods, Coins, & Supplies.

Second, When I do need to produce a lot for research or upgrades, I enchant my factories. This way I minimize the number of instances my Sentient Goods are subjected to decay.

Decay is compounding so the longer it takes to produce the quantity needed the more you lose.

Beginning with 0 excluding the Sunset
Day 1 production 30,000
After decay 27,000
Day 2 production 30,000 + 27,000 = 57,000
After decay 51,300
Day 3 production 30,000 + 51,300 = 81,300
After decay 73,170

After 3 instances of Decay, I’ve lost 16,830 units more than ½ of the day 1 production

This is why I do not produce them if I do not need them, and it is also why when I need them for more than the Spire, I Enchant my factories. The quicker I produce them the quicker I can pay for my research or upgrades

Third, to increase the effect value and duration of my enchantment, I have the Elvenar Trade Center. The ETC also has the benefit of direct seed production, and each level increases the trader seed bonus value

Fourth, I also have a storm phoenix, which doubles the effect value of the MM enchantment for 3.5 hours. To increase the value further I use time spells to collect 1 - 9hr production and 2 - 3hr productions each factory within the active duration.


These numbers reflect my TimeWarp production bonus, so the unit quantity is higher than otherwise, but I think the values are extreme enough to demonstrate the massive increase when using the Elvenar Trade Center & Storm Phoenix Magical Manufacturing Enchantment.

These numbers reflect the production of both Enchanted & Unenchanted Sentient Goods using:
2 - level 27 Factories of all 3 tiers
Each factory 1 - 9hr and 2 - 3hr productions
Level 15 Elvenar Trade Center: 76.25% MM enchantment effect
Stage 10 Storm Phoenix

Unenchanted Productions
Total Sentient T3: 38,348 units / units per seed - 1.98
Total Sentient T2: 37,093 units / units per seed - 2.28
Total Sentient T1: 30,284 units / units per seed - 2.27
Total Seed Cost - 46,320
Total Standard Goods cost - 69,800
Coins approx. - 1.2m
Supplies approx. - 1.2k

Enchanted with the Elvenar Trade Center & Storm Phoenix
Total Sentient T3: 86,776 units / units per seed - 5.16
Total Sentient T2: 83,830 units / units per seed - 5.17
Total Sentient T1: 68,532 units / units per seed - 5.14
Total Seed Cost - 46,320
Total Standard Goods cost - 69,800
Total Time Spells - 18hrs
Total Relics for 6 MM Enchantments - 24
Pet Food - 1
Coins approx. - 1.2m
Supplies approx. - 1.2k

Also, using the Time Spells allows time for more enchanted productions after the Storm phoenix effect ends also. My ETC MM duration is 19 hours & 43 min, which means I can collect as many as 2 - 9hr & 4 - 3hr productions or 1 - 9hr & 7 - 3hr enchanted production per factory. Of course, if I can produce all I need and use it prior to decay I will not lose any. If I am close enough to acquiring the amount, I need to justify the cost and if I have them available, I use time spells to speed up production duration while the enchantment is still active.

This is my strategy even with the Simia. Perhaps not the best, but better than nothing. Even without the ETC and storm using the enchantments are well worth their cost.
Thank you. With all of my heart, I hope you have this info stored somewhere so you can just paste it in. You are so far above my pay grade, that I barely recognize some of the units you utilize. At the risk of offending a whole lot of my fellows players, to me, this game is like potato chips for the brain - just mindless munching.


Well-Known Member
One of the Wonders researched at the end of chapter 14, Simia Sapiens, is the one that reduces sentient decay.
Thanks so much! Wow, it's huge! I even have all the goodies I need to build it, just need to make space.
EDIT: Did some more research - I do not fight at all. In your opinion, is it still worth the assets and real estate?
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Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Thanks so much! Wow, it's huge! I even have all the goodies I need to build it, just need to make space.
EDIT: Did some more research - I do not fight at all. In your opinion, is it still worth the assets and real estate?

Considering just how much sentient goods you will need in every chapter on from where you are? If your choice is the AW or one more sentient factory, then definitely, because decay is applied to all 9 sentient goods, not just your boosts. If you have room to build one more of each boosted sentient factory, to make up for decay, then it is less needed. Mine is at level 17, so decay is 5%, instead of 10%, and that is a lot of savings when you add all nine goods together, day after day.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much! Wow, it's huge! I even have all the goodies I need to build it, just need to make space.

Considering just how much sentient goods you will need in every chapter on from where you are? If your choice is the AW or one more sentient factory, then definitely, because decay is applied to all 9 sentient goods, not just your boosts. If you have room to build one more of each boosted sentient factory, to make up for decay, then it is less needed. Mine is at level 17, so decay is 5%, instead of 10%, and that is a lot of savings when you add all nine goods together, day after day.
I'll go with the build. Would Timewarp be a good compliment? And...........how important is Culture - does it affect anything but Supply and Coin production? I seem to have a lot of real estate tied up - If I read the drop-down correctly, I have 319K+, with 183K+ available. I have 698 provences, which would take care of coin? I have 6 Workshops (5@lvl 32, 1@33), plus Prosperity Towers @ lvl 11. Your thoughts, please.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Right, your culture bonus only boosts coins and supplies. I see a lot of people who misunderstand it and think it boosts goods production too.

Supplies are never that big a deal, as long as on you have the enchantments and instants for a quick boost to your total.


Well-Known Member
I perused your city and there are several changes you could implement for greater efficiency of your land increasing your resource production.

First, there are several buildings in your city that are unnecessary which you should remove

You have two level 24 non-boost Dust factories producing 1/7th of the boosted goods production. The 2 factories require a total of 17,006 population and 5,070 culture. To pay for the population requires 4.3 Level 33 Residences, which also require culture.

The level 33 Armory, which requires 3,973 population (level 33 Residence) & 9556 culture, is not needed because you do not produce troops. Instead, craft Orc Nests in the Magic Academy they provide culture and do not cost population. You can build 3-chapter 15 orc nests and produce 2,640 Orcs which is 240 more than the one armory in the same space the Armory consumes alone and eliminating the need for the level 33 Residence & its culture requirement.
You have 3 Wood Elves Habitats, which you would do better to replace with another D088 - if you can’t acquire better through an event.

You have a lot of seed buildings that consume 9.92 expansions producing around 33,550 seeds daily. I suggest replacing many with Festival Merchants.

A festival Merchant provides 3,000 seeds daily which is 250 seeds per tile. You could fit 20 Festivals within the space of your current seed buildings and produce almost twice as much. Or you could produce the same amount by building 12 festivals costing only 5.76 expansions.

You should look at each building and if they produce less than 250 seeds per tile in 24hrs replace them with Festivals crafted in the Magic Academy.

I recommend upgrading every building you have - that you need - to chapter and storing 2 Gem factories after the others are level 27 because unless you use T3 CTTs you are likely over producing your T3 goods, and if you do CTTs it is a better option to use T2 - everyone needs them, and the cost is substantially lower for near equal unit production. This will decrease the pop requirement and the coin & supply demand of your city.

Consider building the Dragon Abbey, Maze of Dark Matter, & Elvenar Trade Center Ancient wonders - these will increase your Mana allowing you to remove the low mana producers in your city, Standard & Sentient Goods production when using enchantments, and increase your trader seed 3hr bonus with each Ancient Wonder upgrade, which will allow you to remove more of those seed/culture buildings.

Now that you have cleared the junk out of your city, build an additional of each Sentient Tier factory and level the Time Warp & Siam use some enchantments and your Sentient stress will decrease dramatically.

Chips are great, but much better with dip.


Well-Known Member
I perused your city and there are several changes you could implement for greater efficiency of your land increasing your resource production.

First, there are several buildings in your city that are unnecessary which you should remove

You have two level 24 non-boost Dust factories producing 1/7th of the boosted goods production. The 2 factories require a total of 17,006 population and 5,070 culture. To pay for the population requires 4.3 Level 33 Residences, which also require culture.

The level 33 Armory, which requires 3,973 population (level 33 Residence) & 9556 culture, is not needed because you do not produce troops. Instead, craft Orc Nests in the Magic Academy they provide culture and do not cost population. You can build 3-chapter 15 orc nests and produce 2,640 Orcs which is 240 more than the one armory in the same space the Armory consumes alone and eliminating the need for the level 33 Residence & its culture requirement.
You have 3 Wood Elves Habitats, which you would do better to replace with another D088 - if you can’t acquire better through an event.

You have a lot of seed buildings that consume 9.92 expansions producing around 33,550 seeds daily. I suggest replacing many with Festival Merchants.

A festival Merchant provides 3,000 seeds daily which is 250 seeds per tile. You could fit 20 Festivals within the space of your current seed buildings and produce almost twice as much. Or you could produce the same amount by building 12 festivals costing only 5.76 expansions.

You should look at each building and if they produce less than 250 seeds per tile in 24hrs replace them with Festivals crafted in the Magic Academy.

I recommend upgrading every building you have - that you need - to chapter and storing 2 Gem factories after the others are level 27 because unless you use T3 CTTs you are likely over producing your T3 goods, and if you do CTTs it is a better option to use T2 - everyone needs them, and the cost is substantially lower for near equal unit production. This will decrease the pop requirement and the coin & supply demand of your city.

Consider building the Dragon Abbey, Maze of Dark Matter, & Elvenar Trade Center Ancient wonders - these will increase your Mana allowing you to remove the low mana producers in your city, Standard & Sentient Goods production when using enchantments, and increase your trader seed 3hr bonus with each Ancient Wonder upgrade, which will allow you to remove more of those seed/culture buildings.

Now that you have cleared the junk out of your city, build an additional of each Sentient Tier factory and level the Time Warp & Siam use some enchantments and your Sentient stress will decrease dramatically.

Chips are great, but much better with dip.
I did confess to not working too hard at the game, but I found this very interesting, looked around and have made some changes. I found that I had 11 Festivals, so I built them. Figured out what a D088 was, and built one of those, also. I built the Simia and Timewarp after "speaking" with Enevhar Aldarion. I need my Dust factories to make mushrooms, of which I need many, if I'm ever going to get out of this Chapter. I've already had to rebuild the Armory once, to satisfy something in a previous Research chapter. Although I don't fight, I use the Training Grounds to produce Sinister somethings as a quick and cheap way to satisfy a recurring request in our Events. However, I will be keeping an eye out for Orc Nests. I think I know what T2 and T3 are, but I don't know what CTTs are, or what you are saying I should do with them. I also don't know how to store a factory, or why I would. I hesitate to spend my resources on upgrades at this time, and the clean-up has reduced my population by quite a bit. I know upgrading would help, but at this point it's catch-22.
Thank you for your time and suggestions.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
First, there are occasions when I am halted in research, and when I am halted my need for Sentient goods is low, so unless I have an immediate use, I do not produce them. When sentient goods are lost to decay you are losing seeds, standard goods, coins, supplies, and the time involved to produce the Sentient goods, Standard Goods, Coins, & Supplies.
If you are not using seeds, they are decaying, and you get nothing back. If you produce sentient goods, you get more standard goods back than you put into them. So, your seeds are effectively being converted into some standard goods. If you trade those sentient goods for another one, you are converting one type of standard good into another with a small bonus for them. Also, you have sentient goods to help your FS members.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Decay is compounding so the longer it takes to produce the quantity needed the more you lose.
An AW that reduces decay when taken to level 30, changes the decay from 10% to 2%. To put that in perspective, assume you get some goods then stop producing them. At the 10% rate, the 7th decay reduces you to a bit less than half what you started with, 47.8%. With a 2% decay, it takes 35 decays to reduce the goods to under half the amount, 49.3%. At level 17, the decay rate is 5% and the 14th decay leaves you with 48.8%.