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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting Serenity in Chaos has openings


Active Member
We are awesome and need 2 more players.
Best time to join us? Today!
We get a big, fat Blueprint every week via 10 chest tourney. We play the spire too, are still learning, often get to kiss the frog. :D
As a no pressure group, we have no minimums or any other restrictions.
We have 10 FREE KPs each day and lots of other perks..
We want our fellows to have fun and enjoy their cities.
Interested? Please, contact me or one of our Mages. :)
Cheers, see you soon.
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Active Member
We have several openings for players who enjoy the game and the tourney. We are a great fellowship, not too chatty, zero drama, and love the game. If you want to, you could bring a friend. Contact me in game. :)

Serenity in Chaos Fellows get 10 FREE KPs per day to spend on a fellow's Wonder.
Join us before the next tourney starts.


Active Member
We have an opening. for a playerr who enjoy the game and the tourney. We are a great fellowship, not too chatty, zero drama, and love the game. If you want to, you could bring a friend. Contact me in game. :)

Serenity in Chaos Fellows get 10 FREE KPs per day to spend on a fellow's Wonder.
Join us before the next tourney starts.