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Well-Known Member
I have enough shards to "forge a rune", however I already have the three AWs that I'm interested in, so I can't go into them to forge a rune. If I don't just arbitrarily pick one, what will happen to future Broken Shards, since the bar is full.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
You have been at this game for a while now, so may know this, but I will put it here for newer players reading this thread.

Here is a trick you can do with unwanted wonders when you do want more broken shards to forge into rune shards. Pick one you do not want to use that has a full wheel and leftover shards and then build it. Then you sell it and do it all over again til your run out of rune shards for that wonder or get the broken shards you need.

You also need to fill the rune wheel again at level 5 and every 5 levels after that til it is max level, so there will be plenty of use for more shards in the future.


Well-Known Member
I have been playing for just over a year, but have a very rudimentary grasp of how to manipulate the Wonders. Thanks for the tip, and the reminder about levels 5.