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    Your Elvenar Team

Sharpest Crayon In-game Actions


As I am wont to eventually realize, at far too common intervals, that I have been inadvertently hobbling my city functionality in some manner (not to be confused with the hog-ties I choose), usually in an especially idiotic way that makes me want to grab myself by the shoulders and shake with jaw-rattling force while demanding, "Why must you be like this?!", I wanted to inquire if anybody else had tales of entertainingly dense oversights on their part.

I'll start with the one that prompted this post, although I have many others.

My supplies had (the tense is important) been in a state of steady, albeit slow, drain for the last four or five months. This bothered me. Any sort of accumulating loss bothers me (I am going to love decaying goods), but it was easy enough to ignore with the availability of instants. No big deal, right? And I painstakingly cycle and complete quests (although I'm not masochistic to the point of doing more than a single rotation per production collection) to minimize the depletion. An excellent, mind-numbing habit of maintenance, to be sure... except for the crucial detail that I had, for some ungodly reason, written off the quest granting thirteen thousand supplies a pop as undoable during each cycle. This is not true. I can meet the requirements easily with a few more clicks, and probably could have for those months of shrinking supplies. I didn't notice this until today.

Unnecessarily long story short, I'm in the black again on supplies! WOO!!!


The stupid one in the mirror is always the hardest to look at!
I have been ruthlessly mocking myself in the mirror for as long as I can recall, desensitizing and strengthening internally, so it's not difficult, exactly, to take a look, nor are my feelings hurt when I am insulted (I'm offended by the intent to hurt feelings), but it is such an unnerving sensation when you finally become aware of a ridiculous blind spot in your perception, one that makes you want to fall to your knees, scream profanity up at the sky, and question your own existence... Or, it provokes this reaction from me, anyway.
I just have not much of a memory left
Same here, and I think, in the mental distance, they've morphed into "Jell Engworthy" in my mind, the preeminent deliverer of redneck jokes.


Since I developed the habit of checking the builders' hut for the time remaining when something is being upgraded, this doesn't happen with as much regularity anymore, but I am still occasionally tripped up, when it registers adequate space and doesn't seem to think (mistakenly) that it needs user input to complete the straightforward action, by the game's penchant for flinging structures out away from a road connection and stranding them in progression purgatory. Not long ago, I took absolutely no notice of the fact that Fairy barracks are smaller than their predecessors... and it was stuck out there, the generator of troops I gleefully send to bloody deaths the most, being useless and decidedly not upgrading, for several hours, BECAUSE I AM THE SHARPEST CRAYON ALIVE.


Oh yeah! This little account of questionable selection is awesomeness incarnate, and I can't believe it didn't come immediately to mind, as I was kicking myself for a few days afterwards (normally, I've accepted and moved on from any setback in an hour or so). Once (and it better stay at that), there were several large trades placed in various sizes for the nonboosted I wanted to balance (I had much more of one than the other, and both were higher than my boosted good), so I took a couple medium (or so my number-blind brain insisted) amounts of exchange, and then examined my total stash, which appeared unchanged. That right there should have given me more pause than it did, but, in true fashion of the magnificent specimen of intellectual excellence and acuity I am, I just bounced back to the trades and accepted a couple more of the same. Turns out, I had been comprehending a hundred thousand goods as ten thousand, was fully missing the decreasing hundredth thousandth mark of my stockpile due to focusing solely on the tenth thousandth spot, and, in conclusion, wound up several hundred thousand short on said good that I then had to rebalance in a more extensive manner, which I do gradually when I am posting trades so as to spread out goods to more players and not flood the market. Took me roughly two weeks. *puffs out chest in pride* I AM THE MARY.


Ah, and there's my persisting inability to factor in culture loss from tearing down thingamajig producing buildings, such as Wells, Ferris Wheels, and the like. I have repeatedly amassed what I considered to be plenty of pop and culture(?!) for an upgrade that will be possible(HA HA!) with the space gained through deletion, only to have my dreams smashed to tiny pieces on the day they run out and the sledgehammer reveals the culture deficiency of the plan(WHAT PLAN?!). I am consequently forced to suffer the indignity of waiting(NO!) until I make it up... and that is sometimes a very long wait, depending on exactly how squeezed for room my cities are. I mean, it doesn't change the reality of the situation, that that upgrade just wasn't going to happen, regardless, but my expectations are still cruelly dashed upon the sharp, pointy rocks of faulty logic colliding with truth. It hurts, people! I DEMAND YOUR PITY.


*snaps fingers* Not popping into the Wholesaler and spending down before starting neighborhood visits. I give aid everyday, yet around half of the time, I forget to do this. I forget and have to return to my city in the middle of it, RUINING MY NIGHT... for the duration of my visitations. Without fail, I promptly forget my exasperation after that, and thus the cycle recurs.

Oh hey, that's the real reason I wanted to create this thread; to witch publicly about the dumb things I do and hopefully shame myself into ceasing the tomfoolery (it won't work; I don't feel shame).


I keep forgetting to use MM/PoP spells right before collecting overnight collections, even when I've been planning on using them

Once I forgot to lock my computer when I stepped away for a few hours, and when I came back my little one had "helpfully" spent 1000 diamonds on a builder upgrade I didn't want


I keep forgetting to use MM/PoP spells right before collecting overnight collections, even when I've been planning on using them
Once I forgot to lock my computer when I stepped away for a few hours, and when I came back my little one had "helpfully" spent 1000 diamonds on a builder upgrade I didn't want
I do the same thing. Constantly swearing at myself for not using the goods enchantment before collection or not checking on quests before collecting which inevitably say "Gain a small amount of" whatever I just collected.


Once I forgot to lock my computer when I stepped away for a few hours, and when I came back my little one had "helpfully" spent 1000 diamonds on a builder upgrade I didn't want
Oh... Oh my Gods, that little mons- Wait, I mean, children are awesome and adorable. Yes, yes they are... for other people.
Maybe a sticky note would help?
I have been struck with the thought of setting up some timer/reminder system times beyond count, but I view my brain as ultimately my slave and it will do my bidding or suffer the consequences (this is a complete lie; the opposite is truth).
I discovered the little tent at the bottom of the world map and didn't have to scroll around anymore
I REMEMBER THIS. When it finally happened for me, it was a wondrous event!


Well-Known Member
I DO, in fact, set a timer on my phone to bring me back when my productions are ready, but only during strenuous times, such as the Fellowship Adventures.

Bone-head moments in this game are too numerous for me to count, and too frequent for me to remember specifics.

I recently started filling a rune wheel with rune shards, forgetting that I have been holding that AW in reserve to use my broken rune shards in. BLEH! Now I have to build and destroy it again...


I DO, in fact, set a timer on my phone to bring me back when my productions are ready, but only during strenuous times, such as the Fellowship Adventures.

Bone-head moments in this game are too numerous for me to count, and too frequent for me to remember specifics.

I recently started filling a rune wheel with rune shards, forgetting that I have been holding that AW in reserve to use my broken rune shards in. BLEH! Now I have to build and destroy it again...
One man's BLEH is another man's HUH?