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Should I Store Needles? (Answered)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!
I would love some advice from anyone who has the experience to see where I went wrong and the willingness to take the time to guide a newbie. :)

I have been playing since the end of June, currently working on the last squad size research in chapter 4, in a small fellowship of lovely people, and genuinely enjoying the game. But I seem to have run into a wall this week when I thought I had finally figured out enough to make some real progress. I am consistently out of space, out of population, short on gold, low on supplies, and waiting for the barracks to finish new troops after every encounter. And this tournament feels much more difficult. I feel like I went too far on the wrong thing somewhere, and I’m trying to figure it out. Based on what I have read elsewhere about difficulty calculations for the tournament, I am thinking about putting my Needles of the Tempest in storage and building another armory instead. Is this a good idea or should I do something else?

Current stats:
38 expansions
Barracks level 13, 120 light melee in 50 minutes
Armories, 2x level 15, 1x level 13
Scouting ring 6, 62/75 completed for chapter 5 unlock, 72/75 scouted
Needles of the Tempest, level 4

I am currently trying to finish out the second star on my last province. (I have 8 in this tournament) I am facing 3 star enemies, 6 squads of 72, to my 5 squads of 82. It’s winnable based on troop types, but I will lose at least 1.5 squads fighting it. (I play on mobile, so all auto fight) Then I have to wait for more troops to tackle the next encounter. The bribe price for that encounter is 1800 marble, 1000 supplies. I haven’t had to bribe this early in a tournament for weeks, and that seems expensive for the second star on a province.

I thought placing and upgrading the Needles of the Tempest was going to allow me to build up my troop reserves quickly so I could fight my way further through the tournament. Is it actually hurting me more than it’s helping by making the tournament encounters more difficult? I’m definitely not building up a surplus at my current rate of attrition. If I store it now, will my encounters get easier or am I stuck at this level of difficulty for this tournament?

I’m not trying to wine about the game being too hard. I just want to make sure I haven’t made a newb mistake with my building and upgrade choices at this point in the game. If I am inadvertently handicapping myself somehow... I want to fix it! Like for example... I think I Should have built more armories to try to keep my production slot capacity close to my squad size. Am I right about that? If I’m not doing anything wrong, and this is just the way it is... well ok then.

As for my other issues... I think I know what I did wrong, or at least less efficiently, and I am working on some solutions. I will save recounting those woes for another day.


Well-Known Member
So after writing this overly long and overly detailed post of naive questions I stumbled upon the minmax CAL explanation. I now understand that the tournament just keeps getting harder as you progress through the game. I just don’t think I have kept my troop production on par with my other progress. So... if anyone who has had the endurance to make it this far in reading my post cares to offer any advice on that, it would be appreciated. :)

In the meantime, I will be building armories.

Deleted User - 4646370

Currently, Ancient Wonders don't impact Tournament costs and difficulty. They will increase Tournament costs when new Tournament format will be released in more than 1.5 weeks, but right now removing Needles will not help in Tournaments. It will only reduce Spire costs and squad sizes (both own and enemy, so that the fight keeps the same difficulty but will cost you less troops), but I don't think it's worth removing.


Well-Known Member
First, you can't store any ancient wonder. The only way to remove it is to sell it.

Second, even if you're worried about the impact of wonders on the updated tournaments (and I won't comment on whether you *should* be or not), the pure-military wonders like needles should still earn their keep. Speeding up troop production is critical to having enough troops to fight with.