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    Your Elvenar Team

Signs You Need a New Fellowship


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
I thought we ought to be helpful while having fun making an useful list. Besides trying to make all the unboosted goods themselves, overstaying with the wrong fellowship that no longer match their playing style is the second most common pitfall I've seen new cities make. Add one item to the list (so people have a chance to participate). In honor of @MagicPagan, l'll kick off the party with...
  • The Archmage is inactive and MIA--no one is steering the ship
  • You visit far more often than other players (Crow Last Elf)
  • Your trades sit too long in the trader. (Crow Last Elf)
  • When you realize the 12 players in chat are all the same person (the archmage) having a longrunning conversation with themselves and insisting that they most certainly are not. (Alram)
  • When one player is literally insane but they don't get booted. (Lelanya)
  • When your chapter 3 perfectly normal 2 star same tier trades sit in the trader and your AM tells you to foster a better trade relationship with your neighbors. (Iyapo1)
  • Can't chitchat in chat (Crow Last Elf)
  • Toxic work environment (Fantastic2676)
  • Insists that you play in a specific way that doesn't fit your goals (Gladiola)
  • Gives you information that is just plain wrong (Gladiola)
  • When you realize that you now know more about the mechanics of the game than your archmage and you're several chapter behind them (NightshadeCS)
  • When they won't boot players who have been inactive for over a year
  • If you're playing like you're in a 10-chest fellowship but you only get 4 chests each week (Darielle)
  • When you join a fellowship and the welcome message is a series of boasts of the many ways they cheat followed by instructions on how you too can be a cheater! (Alpha Lyrae)
  • Tourneying on your own and hoisting yourself up on the Spire by yourself. (Cynthia De Luz)
  • When the Archmage said blueprints are not a necessity (Alram)
  • [ Your contribution here ]
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Deleted User - 3799863

When you are told about a fellowship "rule" that makes you give your monitor the side eye.

Once, a long time member informed a bunch of us new recruits that "chat" is only for posting requests for other members, not for conversation or.... chatting.
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Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
When your chapter 3 perfectly normal 2 star same tier trades sit in the trader and your AM tells you to foster a better trade relationship with your neighbors.
Oh man, something similar happened. The AM was telling everyone boosted only and then I suggested maybe he should add a third plank manu since he is plank boosted and we're experiencing a plank shortage. His response was, "I'll have to think about it. I don't trust getting my goods from the fellowship." o_O Thanks for the vote of confidence, chief!

Once, a long time member informed a bunch of us new recruits that "chat" is only for posting requests for other members, not for conversation or.... chatting.
Hahaha they would have dropkicked me out of there so fast...and that's before I turned myself into an obnoxious bird. I see what you're saying but the wording is a little too vague to be added to the composite list as a quick read-through.


When the whole fs is pumped and participating in the fellowship adventure and doing great, but the AM is absent all day. Then accuses everyone of being cliquey because we decided we would wait until a set time and just pull the flag as the map was sitting finished... Oops sorry. That is 2, must wait...


Well-Known Member
When your fellowship insists that you play in a specific way that doesn't fit your goals or gives you information that is just plain wrong.

Please note: This is something that happened to me in another game. I love my fellowship and they don't make me do anything I don't want to do!


Well-Known Member
OMgosh, at first I thought the names next to those items were people who do those things, not the people who suggested those reasons. Lol!

My contribution:
When you realize that you now know more about the mechanics of the game than your archmage and you're several chapter behind them (not applicable for alternate cities).


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
@Fantastic2676 Gee, I hope that poor sap doesn't need therapy. Let's put yours down as "Toxic work environment" ;)

I'll piggyback on @Lelanya's and add "When they won't boot players that have been inactive for over a year." Half of the fellowship is inactive, but they want to appear "full" and popular. An active chapter 1 player is more productive than dead weight! Trim the fat and give the new guys a chance!


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
I'll piggyback on @Lelanya's and add "When they won't boot players that have been inactive for over a year." Half of the fellowship is inactive, but they want to appear "full" and popular. An active chapter 1 player is more productive than dead weight! Trim the fat and give the new guys a chance!

Generally speaking this is a good idea. What do you do when a member puts up 10k a week in tournament, then vanishes after surgery? He's carried others for months, over holidays, moves, illness...

Let's see.
I've left FSs because the AM was weak and changed policies a couple of times a week.
I've left FSs over weird KP exchanges that don't suit my playstyle.
I've left FSs when the debate over direction becomes a regular argument.

Oh. There was the time the just retired AM's account suddenly announced she had died, only it wasn't actually true. Folks we cannot identify or shame others here, so if this sounds familiar.. because this person played on all the servers, still we have to be, discreet.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Generally speaking this is a good idea. What do you do when a member puts up 10k a week in tournament, then vanishes after surgery? He's carried others for months, over holidays, moves, illness...
Players like that are generally active enough to be in communication with the admins of the group though, as you are pretty much a daily player to get 10k in tourney each week. We have players on long term personal leave and they have let the AM know why. If these big whale players suddenly become inactive without communique though, the admins would generally make attempts to reach out and decipher what's up. I agree they'd be afforded a grace period out of respect. But I wouldn't consider these type of players "dead weights" in my book though. I'm talking about the players that put in 30 per tourney and 0 or 1 badge during FA, then went *poof* without word and becomes Orc poop stain you can't scrape off. You know, the bare minimum types.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Let's see.
I was in a rank 5 FS where the AM was a nervous lady. So when mobile got the 'Invite' feature one of the mages was inviting wee 20 score players, unintentionally, she would scream at everyone about the unfairness of it all. Lemme see. Rank 5 FS my mentor enjoyed while he was there.... or, run!! Run quickly, wait, she booted me? WTH?
Apparently she disliked that folks were enjoying the distraction that I supplied.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
My one thing to add: If you're playing like you're in a 10-chest fellowship but you only get 4 chests each week, it's time to leave.

I left my first fellowship because I knew I'd outgrown it, but it was gut wrenching because I developed such wonderful friendships with the AM and two other players. But yeah, playing like your in a 10-chest fellowship but getting four or five chests, it's time to leave.

I left my last fellowship when I realized that the AM was just so busy with her real life. She was a very sweet person, but she had two young kids and had a big gap in play because of a move (and the move and subsequent fixing up of the house took at least 6 months). I once messaged her and didn't get a reply for 4 days. Another message took 3. I need an AM who is at least "almost" as active as I am in the game. But again, it was gut wrenching because I really like her and she was trying so hard to juggle 20 things at once. I couldn't blame her. Oh, one other reason I left ... I knew I could be a weekly gold spire player and I also knew the group would never become that. I am pleasantly surprised, however, that they have been a consistent silver spire group lately. If that had happened while I was there, I might have stayed.

One fellowship I left after only a few days, because I realized after I got there that even though all the members had scores well above mine, only the AM and one other person were really active. The others were mostly gone. The AM was great; he was trying his heart out to keep the group going, and I felt terrible leaving so soon. Ironically, that AM is now a mage in my current group, and I think both of us are happier.