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    Your Elvenar Team

So about that 30 day inactive removal.....


I have 3 neighbors that I have had discovered since very early on in my game life. And I think a 4th one that's probably been inactive just as long I discovered today. Why have these players not been removed yet? I just had one of my own cities on another server removed because I stopped playing it. These players I've discovered have been in game LONG before I started on that other server. And they have less built in their cities then I had in mine. I would like these cities purged from the game so maybe I can at least get neighbors in those spots who I can at least give assistance to. I don't even care if they give back. I'm annoyed with these specific cities because they were in the middle up upgrading their main hall so I can't offer neighborly help and at least get $ and supplies for myself.

Please get rid of these cities or make it so their buildings are done being upgraded so I can offer help and get supplies and gold.

Oddly enough other cities that have been inactive but I could help daily have been removed.... but not the cities in the middle of upgrades.


Premium cities and cities that have reached Chapter III are never deleted. The user community DEMANDED that change, so that they could take a vacation without getting wiped off the map.

I'm hoping that we'll eventually get an Archive/Retrieve/Move capability, and thereby be able to shift isolated cities over to a more active section of the world map, when there's not enough growth to fill up the vacancies.