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So What Does an Archmage do NOW?


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Brin I am still not sure what you meant by your short poem above. But I read it that you thought we should go around looking for random neighbors and fill up their Wonders. All I said was, please don't. I have a few good neighbors who participate in helping with the higher level Wonders, and I cherish them. But I don't need a whole slew turning up and knocking down my fellows.
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Set Designer
But I read it that you thought we should go around looking for random neighbors and fill up their Wonders.

Not even neighbors. Brin implied for people to directly view cities beyond their discovered radius, manually click on a wonder in the city, and donate KP that way.


Well-Known Member
Brin I am still not sure what you meant by your short poem above.
I posted twice, I'll assume you mean the 1st one.

2-3-4-5 years ago, we had threads on many aspects of AW donation schemes, threads on AW sniping, and others..... back when we fully just the Forum. Seriously, I think you do understand, so does @Pheryll ........... Now, "I implied" , no I said straight away, if ya use a browser, you can see further than on App, as far as your main map, for AW Donation, and its been that way for as long as I've played. Long gone is the time when you had to load ppls cities to do so.

How the "Holy :eek: Crap", could I be misunderstood, plus long ago we knew it mostly didn't matter. The window to Snipe AW instants on the low end is so small, its almost never successfull, or is as easy as pie to thwart as a FS. Sniping at the top end, thats just basic abuse of the Net-0 approach to AWKP donations, which was widely popular. As long as a donation doesn't violate a AWKP-chain negatively.... net0 or another chain method, then there is NO problem.

Even the AW upgrade thread..... we already went thru this :
you get to a point where......
1. all your AWs are full
2. all of FS AWs are full
3. all discovered neighbors AWs are full
4. everyone on the map AWs are full

Even when # 4 is reached, there is a few AWs, that each person will NEVER build anyway, so just reuse-recycle-rinse-repeat if ya have to..... to always have a place to donate AWKP / KP to. It will take a long time to achieve # 4 anyway.....


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
You can be misunderstood when you post a poem hon,
your thoughts all broken up by page returns
At odd times


Set Designer
Now, "I implied" , no I said straight away, if ya use a browser, you can see further than on App, as far as your main map, for AW Donation, and its been that way for as long as I've played. Long gone is the time when you had to load ppls cities to do so.

Yes, you said straight away, but I filled in certain details that were implied by the method you stated. It would have been clearer if I had said you stated X and this implied Y, rather than you implied X and Y.


Active Member
You can be misunderstood when you post a poem hon,
your thoughts all broken up by page returns
At odd times
Unless I'm missing some posts, I think the posts that were referenced were lists rather than poems. Although I suppose anything can be read as poems.