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    Your Elvenar Team

Some building types seem to be missing from the game.


Well-Known Member
Lately I've been studying lots of other peoples' cities to learn and see what works and doesn't work. While doing this I noticed one day that there seems to be a few building types missing from the game. I was massively relieved when I saw a bathroom building on someone's city layout. I haven't seen any museums or art galleries as yet. Do any exist in the game?

What type of building do you think is most needed in this game and why?

Just a fun question - not to be taken too seriously I hope! ;)


Well-Known Member
I think a fun twist on the traditional set buildings concept would be a set of dwarven subway stations that only give their bonuses if they all are a minimum or more distance from one another...because (let's face it) having a subway station right next to another one...what's the point in that?


What is the point in having a subway station in a game like this, though? That's a Forge of Empires thing, rather than Elvenar, really.


Well-Known Member
What is the point in having a subway station in a game like this, though? That's a Forge of Empires thing, rather than Elvenar, really.

Buzzkiller you! :p Anyhoo...Dwarves make all kinds of magical-techie things don't they?! Just call it Dwarven Rapid Transit it if makes you feel better. Hey..WoW has a subway connecting two cities together...isn't Elvendar good enough for a subway? Hmp! Hmp, I say!


You wouldn't expect to find a subway in Middle-Earth, now, would you? ;)

Seriously though, Elvenar doesn't need a subway any more than it needs an airport. That's one of the reasons many players came here from Forge of Empires...Elvenar has more of a sense of being in-tune with Nature.


Well-Known Member
How fortunate it is then that the Constructs have come and might teach us about the wonders of Subways... ;)


I still don't see the point in them.

Unless, of course, the game goes underground after that Guest Race, because there's no more room on the surface.


Then the next Guest Race can be sentient Ants, and we have to convince the Queen that we're worthy to share her Realm. :p


Well-Known Member
Oh...pish, posh...now you're just getting silly man! ( gets his sentient queen ant altar ready )
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