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Some questions about Quests


I just started playing and i am not really sure how the quest-system is working.
Do you get endless / repeated quests , or do they stop at some point?
Is it worth skipping quests, which take a long time?
Some general informations about quests would be really cool ! :p


Welcome to Elvenar.

- Endless quests will repeat itself until you upgrade your Main Hall. You can skip them as much as you want.

- Skipping quests can help, it all depends on the situation. Collecting rewards from smaller repeatable quest can yield more benefit than waiting to fulfill a harder quest.

- I am not sure what you mean by "General Information". There are a couple of broken quests, skim the Bug section to get more info.


That sounds really good. =D Thats what i call perfect patch timing , hehe D: