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    Your Elvenar Team

Sorcerers' Homecoming discussion


Well-Known Member
Both Pilgrims Plaza and (last GP in set) Pilgrims Forge will be hard
to get for your ave casual player. Even a maniac player who gets
30-35 in drops a day (me) will fall short of the 7th piece..... and thats
from a player that got wraparound on AirTraders as a brand new

The Nerf was too much, unless you only did every other GP for a
set piece. I sure Hope Inno fix's this in the FA, by giving away the
(2) last GPs in the Manor Set as Prizes for lvl 2/3 ... just like they
assume casual players need the xtra 2 artifacts..... This time those
players will need the last (2) Manor pieces they couldn't get cause.....

Yes , seems Dev team can't do reg math as others have said.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
The Pilgrim's Plaza is the next prize that I will be getting, once I get to the end of the map. I can see an Ancient Knowledge next and then a coin rain after that. Does that mean the Pilgrim's Forge will be the next one after that? Gee, I hope so.


Active Member
The Pilgrim's Plaza is the next prize that I will be getting, once I get to the end of the map. I can see an Ancient Knowledge next and then a coin rain after that. Does that mean the Pilgrim's Forge will be the next one after that? Gee, I hope so.
Yes, I just now can see it in the picture. I was beginning to doubt.


I'm 2 beacons away from working on the forge! Given the amount of quests left and a little luck, I just might make it. They want you on the edge of your seat for this one. lol.


Well-Known Member
I played all my scrolls in all 3 of my cities. I wanted the active crevice. I got 10, 16, and 19. Placed silver league in all cities. The only help I am using is the ashen phoenix. I have spent no diamonds. I am 1 building away from a complete set in 2 cities and 2 buildings away in the third, although I am close on the one building. I used mostly 18, 45, 80, and 89 on my building selection. I got more daily prizes using the 45 over 89 and went farther along using 89 over 45. Apparently, the extra spell scrolls helped out. More daily prizes using 45? More guesses? I selected 18 whenever it came up.


Well-Known Member
If Inno did wanna nerf stuff, AND the Plaza is the 1 bldg least need'd
AND its just xtra +0 T1 , why not have the forge as 6th, and plaza as 7th ???
So when ppl miss out on that last set piece, its less of a big deal, since to
get the Manor @ full bonus ya only need 6 of 7 pieces....

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
If Inno did wanna nerf stuff, AND the Plaza is the 1 bldg least need'd
AND its just xtra +0 T1 , why not have the forge as 6th, and plaza as 7th ???
So when ppl miss out on that last set piece, its less of a big deal, since to
get the Manor @ full bonus ya only need 6 of 7 pieces....

The plaza makes mana in higher chapters, so it is important to a lot of players.


Well-Known Member
@Enevhar Aldarion , ahh , hmmm , thks.
After waiting a whole year for another set event, even as a 1 yr player,
I really don't see why its not structured so that if u do all 75 tasks, you
earn enuff currency to get the set. Sure some ppl and overachievers will
get a couple xtra pieces, but so what... thats not gonna imbalance the game.

When a sizeable number of consistent players can't even get the set, then
what chance really does a casual player have..... none, thats what...

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
@Enevhar Aldarion , ahh , hmmm , thks.
After waiting a whole year for another set event, even as a 1 yr player,
I really don't see why its not structured so that if u do all 75 tasks, you
earn enuff currency to get the set. Sure some ppl and overachievers will
get a couple xtra pieces, but so what... thats not gonna imbalance the game.

When a sizeable number of consistent players can't even get the set, then
what chance really does a casual player have..... none, thats what...

The problem was that they gave us enough on Beta to easily get the complete set and then Inno overreacted and cut the amount of sorcerer's knowledge by too much and now unless you can win an extra 600-800 knowledge from the beacons, you may not make a full set. Unless you always pick the cheapest beacons and don't worry about what daily prizes you win.


Well-Known Member
I'm sittn here looking @ task list, and being task locked, I was trying
to map out the next few days........... omg, seriously ????

So today's task and tomorrows task is both 20 relics, then the next
day is 10 reg and/or tourn encounters.... but the prob is, tourn ends
4 hrs before that task is opened up..... wth ???

Then Sunday the Spire starts, yet its not till the last 12 hrs of Spire
that there are 2 days in a row that want 10 reg and/or Spire encounters.
Basically again, asking for specific encounters that just ended.....

Did noone @ Inno look @ a calendar, when sync'n up tasks for the
22 days of daily tasks ??? apparently they did not, its pathetic.....

(and) those 600-800 u need xtra, well the nerf was effectively 615 on
live worlds..... go figure .... and just picking the lowest beacons won't
help guarentee you the set, u'll still come up short.....
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Mathematician par Excellence
Did noone @ Inno look @ a calendar
This gets brought up every event, and yes, they are aware of it, and it's on purpose.

The quest should read
"Complete 10 encounters, or wait 3 days and complete 10 tournament encounters"

They have done this to balance it out since for a majority of advanced players 10 tournament encounters is super easy.


I'm catching up to the daily quests. Please somebody tell me they haven't put the quest to solve 10 tournament encounters on Sunday!
(I certainly noticed that in the last event they put the quest to solve Spire encounters on Saturday.)


Mathematician par Excellence
Please somebody tell me they haven't put the quest to solve 10 tournament encounters on Sunday!
As per the list in my signature,
yes they did, and if you read my post just above yours you'll see why;)
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Over 20 attempts at the 45 w/scrolls...no extra scrolls but lots of MMs and KPs though
I've only hit 80 scrolls twice with the 27 option and that's it with extra scrolls

Unless I hit another extra scrolls, I could see myself being 100 scrolls short of the Forge
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Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I'm currently working on the forge. I got lucky once with 300 scrolls plus a couple of 80 scrolls, so I know I can finish the set. I'll probably finish where I've been for the last few days, in silver. But frankly, I'm not sure I want the set. I really have to think about devoting that much space to it.

My strategy has simply been to take the cheapest per point chests, no matter what the prizes. That seems to work, if you just want the set. Now that I'm questioning whether I want it I wonder if I made the right decision. I did get three troop prizes this morning, so that was cool, but I blew almost all my event currency to get them. I still want the Unexpected Morning, if I can get it.